(ANSA) – ROME, NOVEMBER 8 – A website and Twitter account were launched online today to monitor the transition of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to the White House.
In the Twitter account ‘Presidential Transition Biden-Harris o @ transition46’, which has already garnered thousands of followers in a few hours, we read that “the work of the next 73 days will serve to build the foundations of the new administration with health, safety and character of our communities first. “
The site, buildbackbetter.com (rebuildemeglio.com) sets out in more detail the program that the Biden-Harris administration intends to implement. After a portion dedicated to Biden and Harris biographies on the site, you can read the new administration’s programmatic manifesto, “We will not only rebuild what worked in the past. This is our chance to rebuild better than ever”, and the list of your priorities: Covid-19, economic recovery, racial equity and climate change. (HANDLE).