“One of the two will lose face” – Libero Quotidiano


There is no balance in politics. by Augusto Minzolini the duel between Matteo renzi me Giuseppe Conte it will necessarily have a winner and a loser. To be more precise, these are the words of the background designer a general in La7 – “one of the two will lose face“The leader of Italia Viva has in fact threatened the government on several occasions.” Gianburrasca did it and for this reason either runs the risk of losing face, or Conte is forced to change which is not the reorganization“.

New political entity.  Bomba-Minzolini: the Carfagna plan, earthquake in the center-right (and drama for Conte)

The only way to sign the Newspaper, intervened in the room Alessandra Sardoni, it is going through a crisis: “No minister resigns himself.” However, Renzi will pay a high price: if he does not change what the government promises, “he will also lose his political role.”
