Yesterday was another black day in terms of deaths in the Northeast. Between Veneto (76) and Friuli Venezia Giulia (27), 103 people affected by Covid died, although perhaps not only because of that. In any case, the Ministry of Health has decided that all the people who died after being infected by Coronavirus enter the newsletters, so taking into account this classification, it can be said that more than half of the Venetian victims of this epidemic they died in the hospital. , in a room such as Infectious Diseases or Pneumology.

Covid, deaths in Veneto
Say these are the figures of an elaboration carried out by the Region, considering the 3,056 patients who died from February 21 to November 17, although last night the tragic count reached 3,312, driven by the rebound in recent days. However, compared to the total analyzed, 1,719 infected (that is, 56.25%) were missing from the hospital, but in a non-critical area. Another 434 (14.2%) died in intensive care, where they had been hospitalized because they were so severe that they could not breathe independently. Almost a quarter of the victims, that is, 22.84% of the 698 elderly people, died in a nursing home. Another 142 (4.65%), mostly terminal patients due to other pathologies, managed to die at home. Finally, 63 patients (2.06%) dropped out at community hospitals, where they had been transferred from intensive care centers.

These figures are alarming, on a day when Veneto registered another 2,099 infections, for a total of 126,104 in nine months. In the morning, 306 patients were admitted to intensive care, 2,395 in non-critical areas and 217 in community hospitals, but in the afternoon the picture was even more burdened, with 310 patients intubated, 2,428 treated in other wards and 215 received in intermediate structures. On the other hand, people in home isolation were reduced to 37,920. Speaking of hospitalizations, the regional councilors Anna Maria Bigon and Francesca Zottis asked “for clarity on the number of beds destined for resuscitation, after what was stated by the national president of Aaroi-Emac” and that is by Alessandro Vergallo, on the fact that the 1,000 places that can be activated in intensive care, “111 would be operating theater beds.” The temporary reconversion of this type of space is expressly mentioned in the hospital plan for the autumn and is planned when the hospital pressure traffic light turns red. Criticisms of regional management were also addressed yesterday by the Veneto Public Health Defense Coordination, according to which “the failure to carry out the Plan to combat the pandemic has resulted in the closure of normal hospital activities (visits by specialists and surgical interventions) “.

Friuli Venezia Giulia
Returning to the balance of the day, yesterday in Friuli Venezia Giulia another 377 cases were detected, bringing the total to 25,035. However, of the new positives, 70 refer to previous tests, carried out in private laboratories from November 9 to 11. There are also 23 infections among guests of nursing homes, where 10 new operators are affected, to which must be added 8 health workers who work in various hospitals and services in the area. The death toll rises to 673, even with this new series of deaths, mainly older people, aged 65 to 98, but also a 45-year-old who had previous illnesses. The number of patients undergoing intensive care has dropped to 55, while the number of hospitalized patients in other departments has risen to 565. There are 12,585 people in home isolation.
Last updated: 09:14