One in six operators contracted the virus in this second wave at Bentivoglio hospital. To take stock, the Undersecretary of the Presidency of the Region, Davide Baruffi, responded today in the Legislative Assembly to the question of the councilor of the Civic Network, Marco Mastacchi.
“From October 31 to December 14 – Baruffi reports – 76 operators tested positive for molecular swab. Of these, 57 are recovered and 19 are still in home isolation.”
Covid, the curve does not slow down: +1 751 cases, 430 between Bologna and Imola
Furthermore, “once the cluster was identified, all the verification measures and specific controls of the procedures followed” by the doctors, nurses and health workers of Bentivoglio were activated, “remembering the importance of correct behavior” to be followed in all moment “, also during breaks”. To replace the absent, adds Baruffi, “operators of other services” were transferred, but the “procedures for hiring the necessary personnel” were maintained.
According to Mastacchi “there are doubts about the actions to take to resolve the situation. I think it is necessary to investigate prevention methods, to verify if the procedures are coherent and effective, because in this case it is clear that something did not work. Next, the councilor invites us to devote more attention to “filtering and treating the air, an issue that has been underestimated to date.” (say)