“On the balcony I put a sign, I obey but I am ashamed” – Libero Quotidiano


Renato Farina

A peaceful procession moved in Bergamo from the town hall to the private residence of Mayor Giorgio Gori. We are VAT holders, restaurateurs, bartenders, shopkeepers, but also ordinary citizens ”. From the center of the lower city, the serpent made his way towards the splendid Venetian walls. They asked to see the mayor to communicate their protest at the closure and to understand the reasons. Gori, who is dem but has not sold his soul to Zingaretti and Conte, had no reason to denounce, and made it known: I did not decide, I have nothing to do with it. The motto was “freedom” and the song “Brothers of Italy”. The phrase “we are ready to die” has been sung with sarcasm, even anger. They want us to die. In March and April, the government left us alone to face Covid, sent trucks to take the coffins with our dead without blessing. Today the leaders of Rome want to finish the work with the survivors, yes, but for a little while: they assassinate the work, turn off the boilers of resistance to the crisis, without any clear and valid reason, they insinuate deep depression, distrust of the State. The awareness of being in the hands of a filibusta gang grows. In whose service? Of the citizens and health of Bergamo and Brescia, Turin and Cosenza?

Band of the filibusta – Do you want to put Lombardy, the locomotive of Italy, on your heels, to reduce its claims of autonomy, to humiliate the desire for recovery to adapt it to the rhythms of the ministerial lazzaroni and the court? Nobody gets rid of the head that the three colors of Italy were not decided by the data, but by considerations about the reactions of the people. Naples had been crossed by winds of insurrection on the night of October 23, a couple of hours after De Luca announced his personal confinement. Indented measure. Do not go out in those parts, with the street economy all in black, it means hunger. Lombardy considers itself a pious ox, an ox very willing to obey. And so they wanted to set in motion the ambitions of fighting the wave with Lombard systems, clear and scientific. No way. Incredible what is happening. Conte has issued a Dpcm that transfers all the powers of life and death in the hands of Roberto Speranza, far left, assigning him powers of absolute discretion, with the possibility of kidnapping the population of a Region without any explanation for 14 days, without the possibility of reversal . , squeezing fundamental rights, condemning us not to rules left to the responsibility of the people but to police controls. And there is not a single newspaper that has admitted the unfathomability of certain options to the human mind. Why is Lazio not red but Calabria is? Why Sicilia orange and Campania yellow? They all said the options were the least transparent in Republican history. But nobody has asked the government to withdraw the Dpcm, to at least give a reason for its elections. But they crouched devoutly at the feet of the dictator, in the name of the mythological need to all be in solidarity at this difficult time. Solidarity with self-certification to go to hell, we would gladly give it to them for them. On the contrary, the governors’ claim of federalism was dismissed and they were accused of irresponsibility and opportunism for not agreeing to “collaborate” with Conte-Speranza. Hey, one thing is loyal collaboration, where you can have a voice, another thing is to be collaborators like so many generals in Petain. Milan is Milan, not Vichy. And Reggio Calabria is not either. It is not convenient for us to be commanded by the moods of the grillini and the party reasoning of the Democratic Party.

They are also moral – For once – we confess – the Neapolitan populace was superior to the Lombard. Fortunately, we are not people who drop paper bombs, we do not attack the police. At the most hangs a poster: freedom. He would hang another, even at the cost of making Conte climb the noble ladder: “The King is a fool.” We were actually the fools. This Roberto Speranza was about to launch a book by Feltrinelli entitled: Why are we going to heal. From the hardest days to a new idea of ​​health. What idea was that? Maybe it was great, and if we had learned, it would have been better than a vaccine. Sin. He withdrew the book, and with it the idea of ​​health, on October 21, when it was already in distribution. What did he know that October 21 to convince him to make a hasty decision? Did you already know that we would not be healed? And if so, why didn’t he act immediately? While writing the recipe for universal healing, he was creating the conditions to withdraw it with his inertia. All led to undergo an easy abortion with the pill at home, not being able to liberalize access to medical schools, to establish in accordance with the University ministry summer flight courses to specialize nurses suitable for intensive care and to pull to shiny new departments. Okay, we are all wrong. Nobody in the world has the magic potion. But it is not a good reason for the despotism of those who have no more certainties than those of the Sino-Soviet police state. Repubblica has dedicated a cursive to the people of Bergamo with the moral of those who sit on the butter and watch the ants move under their salary balcony running undisturbed towards their checking account. But how? You who have seen the coffins transported with trucks, don’t you understand why the confinement? Michele Serra was right, damn it, to illustrate his short brain and define the Lombard in general and the Orobic in particular “the people of the not close, good people, but monocultural, confindustrial Lilliputians, the Bergamo magut as they are the owners of the steelworks “. Hence a rhetorical question to condemn without appeal: «The images of the procession remain and a question in the background: Did Bergamo really go from the procession of trucks with coffins to that of people parading in the same streets to protest? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Yes it is. We do not live only in mourning. Otherwise, we will all die for real. Unlike 8 months ago, no one in Lombardy and Piedmont, in Calabria, Val d’Aosta and the province of Bolzano joyfully sang the Italian anthem from the balcony. Nobody dares to write “Everything will be fine” anymore. Personally I put up a sign: “I obey but I am ashamed”
