The body of the young man. He lived in Milan and died at the age of 15 of a fulminant leukemia, he will remain visible until October 17 in the Sanctuary of Dispossession
The opening ceremony of the collateral acts to the beatification of Carlo Acutis, scheduled for October 10 in the Basilica of San Francisco, took place today at the Shrine of Dispossession of Assisi. At the end of the celebration, which was also attended by the parents of the young man, who lived in Milan and died in 2006, at the age of 15, due to a fulminant leukemia, the grave was opened with the body, which will remain visible until now. October the 17th.
“We hope – said his mother, Antonia Salzano, excited – that through the exhibition of Carlo’s body the faithful can raise their prayers to God with more fervor and faith, who through Carlo invites us all to have more faith, hope and love. towards him and towards our brothers, as Carlo did in his earthly life ”.
“Model of Holiness of the Digital Age”
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Carlo Acutis, the boy from Milan who died at the age of 15 will be beatified
During the homily, the Bishop of Assisi, Monsignor Domenico Sorrentino, underlined the importance of Carlo’s example for young people: “He had a mission especially for his companions in this time so exciting and, at the same time, so disoriented – he recalled – A time in which wonderful things are experienced through a technology that unites the world from one end to the other, but which often turns into a riot of conflicting information and messages, in which it is so difficult to find the compass of truth and “Love. Carlo – he concluded – is a child of our time. A child of the internet age, and a model of holiness of the digital age, as presented by Pope Francis in his letter to young people around the world. “
Chi was Acute Carlo
Born in London on May 3, 1991, Carlo Acutis grew up in Milan and has always been talked about as a normal child, who loved to study, play football and be with others. Addicted to the Internet, at the age of 14 he designed and created a virtual exhibition on Eucharistic miracles.
His particular predilection for religious practices led him to daily and massive communion at the age of 12. Then, hand in hand with adolescence, came the daily rosary and Eucharistic adoration.
Carlo Acutis was declared Venerable in the summer of 2018. Buried in Assisi, the birthplace of Saint Francis to whom he was very attached, his remains were transferred to the Sanctuary of Dispossession on April 6, 2019.