The choice of the date – March 18, 2020 is an indelible day in the memory of Italians: a year ago, a column of army vehicles left Bergamo with the coffins of the Covid victims. The cemetery of the Orobic city collapsed and the bodies had to be transported to the crematoriums in the surrounding regions.
The green light for the first National Day in memory of Covid victims came from the Senate Committee on Constitutional Affairs, which unanimously approved the five-article bill on its constitution.
Commemorations from north to south – Many ceremonies scheduled for March 18. The president of Anci, Antonio Decaro, sent a letter to all the Italian mayors asking them to participate in the Day with a minute of silence to be observed at 11 a.m., coinciding with the arrival in Bergamo of the Prime Minister, Draghi, in the presence of the flag Italian in half mast.
In BergamoAt 11 a.m., in the presence of the President of the Draghi Council and the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, a wreath of flowers will be placed in the monumental cemetery of the city; At 11:15 am, in the Parque Martín Lutero alla Trucca, the inauguration of the Bosco della Memoria will take place with the ceremony of planting the first 100 trees. Greetings and institutional interventions are expected.
Smell, the presidents of the Senate committees, at the invitation of the president of the assembly, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, will observe a minute of silence. In addition, the flags of the upper house will be flown at half mast. In milan, in Piazza Scala, at 11 am Mayor Giuseppe Sala will remember the victims of the pandemic. The Lombardy Region announces that at night the viewpoint of Palazzo Pirelli and that of Palazzo Lombardia in Milan will be illuminated with the tricolor.
A plaque in the courtyard of the Dogana of the Palazzo Vecchio, in florence, will remember the Florentine deaths due to Covid: it will be discovered, at 1:30 p.m., in the presence of the mayor Dario Nardella, the councilor for welfare Sara Funaro and for toponymy and interreligious dialogue Alessandro Martini, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Rabbi Gadi Piperno, the imam Izzedin Elzir and the general manager of ASL Toscana center Paolo Morello.
The mayor of Bari and President Anci Antonio Decaro, together with Prefect Antonella Bellomo, will observe a minute of silence from the balcony of the Palazzo di Città office.