Effect of the virus on voting: loss of ATMs and risk of lines at polling stations
Mandatory mask and hand disinfection.
At the voting station, each voter must wear the surgical mask over the nose. Once the voter has entered the building, they will find the sanitizing gel available to sanitize their hands. Without fever measurement, entrusted to the responsibility of the individual. obviously the voter should not leave the house or go to the voting table in case of respiratory symptoms or body temperature above 37.5 °; contact with people positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days; mandatory quarantine or home isolation. After sanitizing the hands, the voter will deliver an identity document and electoral card to the scrutineers and then must remove (there will be a mark on the ground) and uncover the face for the time necessary for identification.
All the rules for winning the election day game
Pencil and voting booth sanitation
Before receiving the ballot, the voter must re-sanitize his hands and one last time when he leaves the voting table. Pencils must be sanitized at the end of each voting operation. Once their vote has been cast, the voter will personally insert the ballots in the ballot box. Finally, the periodic cleaning of tables, voting booths and toilets is foreseen.
Parliamentary Court, vademecum on the referendum: the reasons for the Yes, the No and the positions of the parties
There will be limited access to the buildings that house the seats, through external waiting areas and differentiated entry and exit routes with special vertical and horizontal signs. The seats must also guarantee a distance of not less than 1 meter between the components of the seats and the voters, as well as the exchange of air and natural ventilation. The arrangement of the voting booths should also facilitate the movement of voters to avoid gatherings.