ok second residences, but avoidable lunch bans for grandparents


Dpcm Christmas, the Faq: ok second homes, but from lunches to grandparents, bans can be circumvented

Made the law found deception. It really doesn’t surprise anyone anymore but even after the last decree it is the total defect that goes crazy. That is the search for gray areas (unlike the yellow, orange and red of the government) in which to insinuate themselves, with an absolutely reprehensible behavior, so as not to give up lunches and dinners with the whole family. “The measures are there and they have given a strong signal – explains Pier Luigi Lopalco, virologist and health counselor of the Puglia Region – but today the risk of finding entire families driving around in car 2 or 2 is really high”. Yes, because, in the wake of the (few) bartenders who responded by lifting the blinds at 12:15 this summer when the closures were instituted, the chances of acting by circumventing the constraints – and risking an administrative penalty of between 400 and 1,000 euros as the Palazzo Chigi FAQ clarifies, they are there.

Dpcm Natale, the full text —-> download the PDF

For example, the text presented on Friday night by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte clearly states that between December 24 and January 6, 2021, trips to “a single private home, located in the same region, will only be allowed once a day, for a period of time between 5 and 22, and within the limit of two more people than those who already live there. ”Translated: if you are thinking of having lunch at the house of the grandparents who live in the village neighbor to ours, coming to them with different cars but with only 2 occupants, you risk practically nothing. Impossible to control unless you enter the house to count those present. Fortunately, this is not the intention of the government. “A system Liberal-democratic does not send the Police to the house, unless there is a flagrant crime – Conte explained live, answering journalists’ questions about the decree – we do not enter the homes of Italians, it is a decree conceived as strong limit to the circulation. It comes out with self-certification. Similarly, if the text establishes that it is not possible to visit more than one house (“Once a day”), how can it be verified that I, not controlled by going to my grandparents, then I do not move to my grandparents’ house. uncles? Impossible even in this case.

Vaccino, president of Aifa Giorgio Palù: “Authorization in Italy on December 22, the treatment will be for everyone”


Or if it is true that he can move between Regions only to visit an elderly person who is not self-sufficient (if instead he is not in good health) – without the risk that the person decides to run – what child will not be able to prove that a perhaps older parent age 70 does not have illnesses that require your assistance?
Therefore, it is evident that more than the controls “the appeal is directed to the responsibility of the citizens” explains the virologist of the University of Milan Fabrizio Pregliasco, “on the other hand there is no manual that allows a precise definition of the individual”. measures “. And again, adds Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the CTS,” we know how difficult concessions are to manage, but it was necessary to find a balance that, however precarious, was also correct. We need responsibility “.

Christmas, self-certification is necessary for Mass: the bishops’ recommendations

Precisely to encourage responsibility and, therefore, allow citizens to make the right decision without making mistakes due to lack of information, the Faqs on the new Christmas Decree have been available on the Palazzo Chigi website since yesterday.
The highlight of the clarifications concerns second homes. A little against everyone’s expectations, in fact, after government pressure on the sidelines of Conte’s press conference, the premier has chosen to consent to travel to second homes for the entire period from December 21 to December 6. January (except December 25, 26 and January 1). Even in this case, however, you can move in a maximum of 2 adults and above all, you will have to stay within your region. As of tomorrow, in fact, it is forbidden to cross regional borders unless you have first moved into the house in question and, even on December 27 (a red day, therefore), decide to return to your residence or home habitual. .

Travel, shopping and restaurants: this is what we can do


In both yellow, orange and red from December 21 to January 6, any movement between regions (as well as from / to the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento) is prohibited, including those to reach second homes located in a territory other than the the residence.
The only movements that are always allowed are those motivated by need. Not only work, health or study but also, for example in the case of a separated parent, to join their minor child.


Always bearing in mind that the curfew remains in force (from 10 a.m. to 5 a.m.) and that self-certification is required to travel, visits to friends or family are also allowed on days in the red zone. Therefore, the exchange of gifts is possible, with the limitation of being able to move up to 2 people (unless there are children under 14 years of age or people with disabilities / non-self-sufficient coexistence) and being able to make only one visit per day. .

Vaccino, president of Aifa Giorgio Palù: “Authorization in Italy on December 22, the treatment will be for everyone”


Little confusion in this case on the subject: both in the orange zone and in the red zone, restaurants, bars, patisseries, pubs and ice cream parlors will remain closed. Or rather they will be “to the public” or, at least, to the traditional table service.
In fact, take away food service will be allowed (but only until 10 pm and with a prohibition to stop or consume near the restaurant) or, without any limitation, home delivery of preparations.


In the red zone (December 24-27, January 31-3 and January 5-6), in addition to bars and restaurants, shops and beauty centers will also have to keep the blinds closed. On the contrary, supermarkets, food shops and basic necessities, pharmacies and parapharmacies, newsagents, tobacconists, laundries and hairdressers or barbers remain open. In the orange zone, on the other hand, all stores remain open until 9:00 p.m. (but with the usual anti-crowd restrictions).

Christmas, self-certification is necessary for Mass: the bishops’ recommendations


After the controversy raised by the question during the first confinement in March, it is always good to specify that motor activity (for which to walk, even with the dog) is always allowed but staying close to the house and in any case absolutely avoiding meetings .
Also, even in the red zone, outdoor sports activities are allowed. However, to practice it you need to be alone.


Only the days in the orange zone (December 28, 29 and 30 as well as January 4) and only citizens residing in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, can cross the limits of their municipality of residence. However, they cannot travel beyond a radius of 30 km.
But be careful of local hardening. For example, the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca has already announced that this will not be valid in his region.

Last update: December 20 at 01:07

