Official, Red Zone of Lombardy | What’s changing from Friday, November 6, 2020


Lombardy is officially in the “red regions”, that is, those with the highest risk of covid-19. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this in explaining the newly signed Dpcm.

In fact, despite the doubts of the governors (and Mayor Beppe Sala), for Milan and Lombardy it is a general confinement. Moving is prohibited and you will no longer be able to move except for proven reasons

“Compared with infected people, the number of asymptomatic patients increases, the number of hospitalized people decreases in percentage, but there is a high probability that many regions will exceed the thresholds for intensive care and medical care,” said Prime Minister Conte. “If we introduced single measures throughout Italy we would produce a double negative effect, not taking really effective measures where there is greater risk and we will impose unreasonably restrictive measures where the situation is less serious.” “If we introduced single measures throughout Italy we would produce a double negative effect, not taking really effective measures where there is greater risk and we will impose unreasonably restrictive measures where the situation is less serious.”

“The yellow area, with moderate criticality, includes Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Liguria”. Tuscany, Molise, Marche, Sardinia and Friuli Venezia Giulia are also within the yellow area. Even Veneto and the provinces of Trento and Bolzano, as announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on television, fall within the yellow area with the “softer” restrictive measures provided for in the Dpcm.

“In the orange zone, with medium-high criticality, are Puglia and Sicilia.” “Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, Valle D’Aosta are in the red zone,” Conte announced.

What happens in Lombardy from November 6

So what will happen in Lombardy from November 6? In the first place, travel will be prohibited except for justified reasons of need, work or health (self-certification will be necessary). Home travel and school work are allowed. Retail stores will be closed except for food, pharmacies, newsagents and tobacconists. Non-food markets will be closed. The activity of bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries is also closed: only catering with home delivery is allowed, as well as until 10 pm (national curfew) with take away food. The hairdressers remain open.

Schools will provide distance learning from the seventh grade. Those over six years of age will also be required in class. Finally, transport: the filling coefficient, with respect to the real capacity, will be 50% and not more than 80%. Industrial and commercial production activities are excluded, provided that all current anti-Covid protocols are respected.

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Individual motor activity (for greater clarity, walks) will be allowed near your home, with the obligation to wear the mask and at a distance of at least one meter from any other person. Individual outdoor sports will also be allowed.
