
LIKE ROME NEWS – is the day of Borja Mayoral smell. The Spanish forward is the center forward chosen by the Giallorossi to support Dzeko in the heart of the advanced department. And who knows who does not decide, depending on the games, to let them play together.
Foreman, 23, arrives at two-year loan with the right to repayment: the first year (end of 2021) Rome can buy it for 15 million, if the next one decides to do it instead, it will cost 19-20. The Giallorossi have decided to close for the Spanish after having collected the not from Fiorentina for Vlahovic.
The official press release of the Giallorossi club arrives: “AS Roma SpA announces that it has signed the agreement, with Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, for the temporary purchase of two years, until June 30, 2022, of the rights over the soccer player’s sports performances Borja Mayoral Moya, compared to a consideration of 2 million euros. The agreement provides for Right of option on the definitive acquisition that may be exercised during the first football season, against a consideration of 15 million euros, or during the second football season, against a consideration of 20 million euros.
With the footballer uA contract that, if the direct purchase option is exercised, will be valid until June 30, 2025.
“I’m happy to finally be here, they have been hectic days but the important thing is that everything ended in the best way”, said the Spanish footballer. “For me it is an honor to defend the colors of a historic club like Roma. I thank the company for the effort it has made, I’ll give everything for this shirt and I hope to give some satisfaction to our fans ”.
Borja Mayoral, born in 1997, grew up in the quarries of Real Madrid and made his debut with the first team at the age of 18. With the whites he made a total of 33 games and seven goals. He played one season on loan at Wolfsburg and two at Levante.
“With Borja Mayoral we added to the group a talented footballer, who grew up in a prestigious school like Real Madrid”, the words of CEO Guido Fienga. Despite his young age, he has already gained significant experience. He could decide whether to stay in Madrid or come to us: he chose Roma and that makes us proud ”. The Spanish player will wear jersey number 21.
Borja Mayoral will go to Udine but will not be in the game
Waiting for the officer Borja Mayoral will leave for Udinese together with the team. Although the player cannot be used by Fonseca for tomorrow’s race, but will still be added to the group for start getting familiar with the equipment.
Borja Mayoral is in Rome, the video of the arrival
As planned, Giallorossi’s new forward Borja Mayoral has landed in Rome this morning around 9:30. A few minutes ago the player left the Ciampino terminal ed came to Villa Stuart for medical exams. The journalists for whom he posed for some photos were waiting for him.
#BorjaMayoral He landed in Ciampino and is now going to perform medical examinations. L ‘#ASRome, in his third purchase of the summer market, he borrows an onerous loan for two years (1 + 1) with the right of redemption (first year 14 million, second 19 million) #Real Madrid@tempoweb @Teleradiostereo pic.twitter.com/iIEmlMzuVU
– Filippo Biafora (@Fil_Biafora) October 2, 2020
Medical visits in the morning
According to what you write today The messenger (S. Carina), The player is expected to be in the capital today around 9:30 am. Then Borja Mayoral will perform the Medical visits and then he will go to Trigoria to meet the coach and teammates and sign the contract that will bind you to Rome.
More updates coming soon …