of almost 41 thousand swabs, 2,456 new positives, 1,525 recovered – Emilia-Romagna Region


Coronavirus Bulletin for March 3, 2021Since the beginning of the epidemic of Coronavirus, in Emilia romagna Y 267,630 positive cases are registered, 2,456 more than yesterday, out of a total of 40,815 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs performed since yesterday is 6%.

Meanwhile continue the anti-Covid vaccination campaign, which in this first phase concerns health care and Cra staff, including patients admitted to nursing homes, those over 80 years of age in home care and their spouses, if they are 80 or over, and people aged 85 and more; Reservations continue for those ages 80 to 84, which began on March 1.

The progressive count of administrations carried out you can follow in real time on the Emilia-Romagna Region portal dedicated to the topic: https://salute.regione.emilia-romagna.it/vaccino-anti-covid, which also indicates how many second dose administered.

At 15 were administered as a whole 417,260 dose; in total, 143,384 I’m second dose, that is, people who have completed the vaccination course.

Of the 77 thousand doses of AstraZeneca, 50,000 were delivered to general practitioners For him vaccination of school personnel. Meanwhile, the Ausls have begun administering the AstraZeneca vaccine in day centers of people with disabilities and law enforcement. The other categories will follow, such as university population and people with mild illnesses. 8,459 administrations to date with AstraZeneca, divided between those of the school personnel, the forces of order and the disabled.

The control and prevention activity continues: of the newly infected, 1,026 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. Overall, among the new positives 494 were already in isolation at the time of the hyssop execution, 794 have been identified within outbreaks already known.

L ‘middle age of the new positives today is 41 years.

Sui 1,026 asymptomatic, 500 have been identified thanks to the activity of contact tracking, 68 through i tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 27 with serological screening, 14 process and pre-admission test. For 417 cases is epidemiological investigation is still ongoing.

You can see the situation of infections in the provinces Bologna with 746 new cases and Reggio emilia (293); then Ravenna (268), Rimini (241), Modena (224), Cesena (181), Ferrara (134), Parma (118). The provinces of Forlì (115), Imola (72) e Piacenza (64).

These are the data, verified at 12 noon today based on institutional requests, related to the advance of the epidemic in the region.

In the last 24 hours there have been 22,646 molecular buffers, For total of 3,456,816. To these are also added 1,167 serological tests and 18,169 quick swabs.

Looking at the people as a whole heal, that’s 1,525 more than yesterday and reach an altitude of 210,282.

I active cases, that is, the actual patients, to date are 46. 698 (+891 compared to yesterday). Of these, the people in isolate the house, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free, a total of 43,919 (+822), the 94 % of total active cases.

Unfortunately, they are logged 40 new deaths: 2 in Parma (two men: 80 and 88 years old); 3 in the province of Reggio emilia (a 73-year-old woman and two 69 and 73-year-old men); 6 in the province of Modena (an 81-year-old woman and five men: 47, 80, 81, 83 and 93 years old); 19 in the province of Bologna (8 women: four of 85, one of 90, two of 92 and one of 94; and 11 men: one of 73, one of 77, one of 82, two of 83, one of 86, one of 89, one of 92- and three in theimolese: a 69-year-old man and two 89-year-olds); 2 in Ferrara (an 86-year-old woman and an 81-year-old man); 3 in the province of Ravenna (two women of 73 and 79 years old and a man of 81 years old); 5 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (two women of 89 and 92 years; three men of 76, 77 and 97. There were no deaths in the provinces of Piacenza and Rimini.

In total, there have been 10,650 deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic.

Patients admitted to intensive care there are 251 (+12 compared to yesterday), 2,528 those of other Covid departments (+57).

In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 10 to Piacenza (no change since yesterday), 14 a Parma (+2), 20 to Reggio emilia (+2), 53 to Modena (+2), 68 to Bologna (+1), 23 a Imola (+3), 24 to Ferrara (no change), 7 a Ravenna (-3), 5 a Forlì (+1), 7th Cesena (+1) and 20 years Rimini (+3).

These me positivity cases in the territory since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the province in which the diagnosis was made: 20,178 a Piacenza (+64 compared to yesterday, of which 28 symptomatic), 18,244 to Parma (+118, of which 72 symptomatic), 33,964 to Reggio emilia (+293, of which 178 symptomatic), 46,559 to Modena (+224, of which 153 symptomatic), 55,384 to Bologna (+746, of which 427 symptomatic), 9,497 cases a Imola (+72, of which 41 symptomatic), 15,411 to Ferrara (+134, of which 38 symptomatic), 20,386 to Ravenna (+268, of which 171 symptomatic), 10,163 to Forlì (+115, of which 96 symptomatic), 12,467 to Cesena (+181, of which 122 symptomatic) and 25,377 to Rimini (+241, of which 104 are symptomatic).

Regarding what was communicated in recent days, 40 cases have been eliminated, of which 39 positive to antigen tests but not confirmed by the molecular swab and 1 for judging not to be Covid.
