Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia romagna They registered 39,148 almost of positivity, 453 more than yesterday, his 12,631 swabs accomplished.
They are new positives 211 the asymptomatic identified in the context of contact tracing activities me regional projection.
The control and prevention activity continues: a total of 155 people (among the new positives) were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 183 were identified under known outbreaks.
Average age of the new positives today is 45.7 years.
Approximately 211 asymptomatic, 135 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 35 through the risk category tests introduced by the Region, 3 with serological screening, 6 with pre-admission tests. by 32 cases, the swab motif is being checked.
Regarding the situation in the provinces, the highest figures are registered in those of Bologna (69), Modena (63), Reggio emilia (57), Rimini (54), Piacenza (48), a Forlì (36), Parma (35), Ferrara (34), a Cesena (30), Ravenna (18).
In Bologna there are 69 new cases. Among these, 30 are considered sporadic, of which 1 case is imported from abroad (Morocco) and 2 from other Italian regions. The remaining 39 are attributable to isolated outbreaks (mainly family, friends or by frequency of public places, schools, work places and private parties).
In the province of Modena am 63the new positives, of which 33 asymptomatic. In detail: 1 referring to the return from abroad (Egypt), 36 (of which 15 in Cra) are contacts of known cases, linked to various outbreaks; 2 were positive in the screening carried out in the school environment; finally, 24 are sporadic cases for which epidemiological investigations are being carried out.
In the province of Reggio emilia, his 57 new positive cases – of which 14 asymptomatic – 29 are attributable to family outbreaks, 1 in the school environment and 19 are considered sporadic; 3 cases are imported from abroad (Thailand, Morocco, Belgium) and 1 from another region. 4 cases are attributable to controls in a facility for the elderly.
54 the new cases in the province of Rimini, of which 29 asymptomatic. In detail: 17 are sporadic patients identified by symptoms; 32 are contacts with certain cases, most of which are family members and already isolated at the time of diagnosis; 1 identified with the pre-admission test, in addition to 2 cases referring to persons returning from abroad (Belarus and Moldova). Another 2 cases were detected through tests by risk categories introduced by the Region.
In the province of Piacenza am 48 the new positives, of which 8 asymptomatic: 16 identified with contact tracing; 5 because they had developed symptoms; 7 following a report from the family doctor; 8 identified in the school environment; 6 for access controls to the emergency room, 2 for screening carried out on health personnel, 1 for an employee of a CR, 3 identified with pre-hospital tests and 2 for spontaneous access to a private laboratory. Finally, two people had returned from abroad (Bulgaria and Turkey) and one for testing at the end of the quarantine period.
Gods 35 new cases a Parma and province – of which 10 asymptomatic – 8 were detected in the context of contact tracing, 8 after the onset of symptoms; 8 after screening in certain categories (including schools and health centers). Two people tested positive upon returning from abroad (Ukraine and Moldova). Finally, 5 were positive with the tests carried out in the pre-hospital setting, of which one on an accompanying father, and 4 in hospitalization.
A Forlì Check in 36 almost, including 25 symptomatic. 6 were positive for contact with a positive relative, 2 after returning from abroad (Burkina Faso and Romania). Another 5 cases, in the workplace, due to contact with positive people; 4 after a swab requested by the family doctor for symptoms; 13 for close contacts on fun and sporting occasions; 2 after swab in hospitalization and 1 after discharge from a care facility. Finally, 2 cases were tracked after contacts with a positive roommate and 1 due to spontaneous access to a private laboratory.
In the province of Ferrara exist 3. 4 positive, of which 22 asymptomatic: 14 were identified as contacts of known cases (attributable to a school outbreak and a friend); 4 are patients hospitalized for symptoms of Covid and 1, asymptomatic, for checks always in health centers; 1, symptomatic, identified by the family doctor; 1 for spontaneous access to a private laboratory; 4 cases, all asymptomatic, identified after controls in a reception center for foreign citizens. Finally, 9 cases were determined by screening in a Cra (3 operators and 6 guests, of which only one symptomatic).
am 30 new cases verified a Cesena, 10 of which asymptomatic. 16 were identified with contact tracing in proven cases, mainly family and friends, and 14 after developing symptoms.
A Ravenna and the province are 18 the new registered cases, of which 14 asymptomatic. 1 is a sporadic patient who had experienced symptoms; Eleven cases were identified through contact tracing, of which 9 in the family context; 2 due to spontaneous access to a private laboratory, of which 1 had participated in an event outside the region; 2 for prehospital tests for other pathologies and 2 for professional screening;
These are the data – verified today at 12 o’clock on the basis of institutional requests – related to the advance of the epidemic in the region.
me made swabs yesterday they were 12,631, for a total of 1,339,233. To these are also added 2,186 serological tests.
me active casesIn other words, the number of real patients, to date, is 7,521 (373 more than those registered yesterday).
Unfortunately, it records 1 new death: this is a 90-year-old man from the province of Modena.
People in isolate the house, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free, are a total of 7,080 (+350 compared to yesterday), more than 95% of cases active.
am 49 patients in intensive care (+14 compared to yesterday) e 392 (+9, again from yesterday) those hospitalized in other Covid departments.
In the territory, the 49 people hospitalized in intensive care, are distributed as follows: 5 to Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 5 a Parma (+1 compared to yesterday), 2 years Reggio emilia (+2 compared to yesterday which was 0), 7 to Modena (+2), 16 to Bologna (+5); 1 to Imola (+1 compared to yesterday that was 0), 1 in Ferrara (+1 compared to yesterday that were 0); 3rd Ravenna (+1), 3 a Forlì (stable number compared to yesterday), 2nd Cesena (number unchanged compared to yesterday) and 4 a Rimini (no change since yesterday).
People as a whole heal They amount to 27,124 (+79 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 27,117 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.
These the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,485 a Piacenza (+48, of which 16 symptomatic), 4,660 to Parma (+35, of which 22 symptomatic), 6,235 to Reggio emilia (+57, of which 43 symptomatic), 5,474 to Modena (+63, of which 30 symptomatic), 7,031 to Bologna (+69, of which 36 symptomatic); 635 cases a Imola (+9, of which 8 symptomatic), 1,690 to Ferrara (+34, of which 12 symptomatic); 1962 to Ravenna (+18, of which 4 symptomatic), 1,676 to Forlì (+36, of which 25 symptomatic), 1,301 to Cesena (+30, of which 22 symptomatic) and 2,999 a Rimini (+54, of which 24 symptomatic) ./