“Obligation for those who work in the RSA”


“With the start of anti-covid prophylaxis, health workers, among the first to be able to receive the serum, still do not seem willing to join the vaccination campaign. Whether it’s hesitation or just fear, because Massimo Andreoni, Director of Infectious Diseases of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic of Rome and scientific director of the Turkish bagel (Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases), there is no excuse: «Anticovide vaccination for health workers, both in Rsa and in hospitals, should be mandatory. It is a professional ethical duty. Otherwise, it is better to change jobs.

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Why is it important for everyone to get vaccinated?
«The health worker has a double reason to get vaccinated. First of all, respect the sick. In fact, it has happened too many times that operators have brought the infection to patients. And then it is a public health problem: if we do not vaccinate as much as possible, the risk is that we will not be able to obtain the effect of herd immunity, which is essential for the virus to stop circulating among the population ”.
RSAs are places of special risk.
“This epidemic has taught us that both within hospitals and in the RSA it was often healthcare workers who transmitted Sars Cov 2. So, since the sick are fragile people, how come we didn’t even let in family members to avoid a possible contagion and then we allow health professionals to carry the virus? This happens regularly, not only concerns Covid, but also the flu and all the viruses that circulate and that health personnel can transmit In any case, this is a category that must set the example to work, inevitably must be vaccinated.
Do you think that, therefore, the vaccine should be mandatory?
“Absolutely yes. It is obvious that personnel treating patients with Covid do not transmit the disease, but they can become infected. Instead, healthcare personnel, globally, for the most part assist patients who have diseases other than Covid and, therefore, if they acquire the disease, they will inevitably transmit the infection to patients. This has already happened on numerous occasions. ”
But there are those who appeal to freedom of choice.
“The obligation is linked to the work that is done. No one is obliged to be a doctor, a nurse, a soldier, or a policeman. For some people, mandatory vaccination is necessary for the role they play. It is not a deprivation of liberty, it is a rule. And it is based on the same reason that vaccinations have been made mandatory for children who have to go to school: to preserve the community.
So why do you think the government did not impose the obligation in this case?
“Because there is not enough political force to make a decision that would undoubtedly be unwelcome by a large part of the electorate. In short, there is no such consensus to make a law that involves discussion. As it happened when vaccination was made compulsory in schools ”.

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However, we are in a state of emergency.
“I insist, the obligation of health workers is not linked to the emergency, but to the work they do. It is a professional ethical duty on our part to allow our clients to be protected against any infection. It seems simple to me. ‘
However, it is paradoxical that health professionals are reluctant to vaccinate.
And in fact, it is not credible that there is a nurse, a doctor who is non-vax. Let’s remember that these people had to pass tests that were also related to the use of vaccines. Otherwise, it means that it was wrong to give each of them a title. “
Could the medical order intervene to recommend vaccination?
Yes, the medical order can say that too. But the question would be limited to an ethical and deontological problem. These decisions must be made by the government ”.
But have you ever encountered indecisive healthcare workers?
“Of course. There are so many. At least a third will not be vaccinated. It is not unusual to meet a third of colleagues …

Last updated: 22:36

