Nurse Alice is the first vaccinated at the Schiavonia hospital


Alice Soldà, fifty-eight years old and a nurse in the emergency department of the Schiavonia hospital, was the first to be vaccinated. “A historic moment, I do not deny that there is a certain emotion,” declares Ulss 6 CEO Domenico Scibetta. «Alice is the first health worker vaccinated, today is a fundamental step. It is a starting point in the battle to free ourselves from this virus.

Vaccine day

Scibetta is a link of the Covid Hospital in Schiavonia for the start of the “Vaccine-Day”, with the administration of the first doses of the anti-Covid vaccine to health professionals. The CEO of Ulss 6 wanted to go back to February 21, when the first case of a patient affected by Covid occurred. The vaccination campaign opens today and simultaneously throughout the European Union. There are two activated vaccination stations in Ulss 6 Euganea: one at the Covid Hospital in Schiavonia and the other at the Cittadella hospital.


Immediately after Alice, other health workers were vaccinated: Dorotea Magaldi, resuscitation doctor at Piove di Sacco, Sandro Boscain, resuscitation doctor at Piove di Sacco hospital, Lucia Leone, head of the non-critical area and Fabio Baratto, head of resuscitation, both from Schiavonia hospital.

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