Coronavirus, Luca zaia comments on the growing infection curve: «We believe in tampons, but the daily number of positives is much higher than in March. the contact tracking it is our strength, but if there were already difficulties then, now they are even more. We don’t throw in the towel, but the numbers are scary».
Terrifying numbers
The governor said this, commenting on the new phase of the virus’s spread. “When you have 1,325 infected in 24 hours -he added- means that these generate 20,000 contacts. Citizens should be told that no one goes beyond a certain limit. It’s like in wartime, you can’t go to the ER after the bombing of your city and wait to get sorted.».
New ordinance with restrictions arrives for Veneto
“The current rules on monitoring should be simplified.” This was stated by the president of Veneto Luca Zaia during the meeting between the government and the regions called by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia. “We have become very good as a country in the amount of swabs made, but now the monitoring is becoming a problem due to the large number of swabs we do – he emphasized – Ok, so each operation to make the system efficient, but such “Maybe that’s the case. Also modify the public health plan to avoid hospitalization of patients who can be treated at home.”
Coronavirus, lockdown in Veneto? What Luca Zaia said Video
Home care
“I ask that effective pharmacological and treatment protocols be clearly established at the national level for home therapy and in the first days, because it is what prevents hospitalizations. The mistake would be to think of hospitalizing all this mass of mild symptoms. Thus the president of Veneto, Luca Zaia, who in the usual press point of the Veneto Civil Protection explained that “there is a stabilization in intensive care, but that does not mean that we should claim victory. Covid has accustomed us to very abrupt changes. “We have to get out of a winter that is going to be long. We are worried – he added – because the season also reserves the peak of influence for us: but we are prepared with heavy artillery. We have autonomy with the devices for 8 months. We have bought all the hardware, regarding the treatments, and we have a thousand intensive therapies ».
Last updated: 20:50