“Numbers higher than March peak”


“With the number of cases in some Member States surpassing the peak of last March, it is clear that the crisis has not been left behind.” The warning comes from the European Commissioner for Health, Stella kyriakides, which today held a press conference to present the update on the Covid risk in the Old Continent. The document of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) shows that the rates of notification of occurrence have been constantly increasing throughout the EU and the United Kingdom for almost two months and that the measures taken are not always ha been sufficient to reduce or contain exposure to the virus.

“We are witnessing – he warned Andrea ammon, director of the Center – to a worrying increase in the number of cases ”. “Until a safe and effective vaccine is available – the expert continues – rapid identification, testing and quarantine of high-risk contacts are some of the most effective measures to reduce transmission.” “The pandemic is far from over and we must not lower our guard,” was Ammon’s appeal. ECDC maps show a strong incidence of new cases in Spain, France, Romania, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

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Hence the request to the States to act as soon as possible, because this “could be the last opportunity to avoid a repetition” of a situation like that of “last spring”, when much of Europe ended up locked up, which caused a vertical collapse. of the economy in the second quarter. “There is no reason to hide that we are concerned about the situation,” Kyriakides told reporters.

The Risks evaluation conducted by the ECDC and presented today at a press conference shows how mitigation measures such as physical distancing, hygiene and the use of masks have proven insufficient to reduce or contain exposure. At the same time, the rate increase has an impact that varies from country to country.

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In some countries, the increase mainly affects the less advanced age groups (between 15 and 49 years) and translates mainly into mild and asymptomatic cases, while in others it causes a higher number of deaths among the elderly. The current epidemiological situation entails an increased danger for health workers and risk groups and “requires immediate and focused public health action,” a note from the Commission reads.

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In its risk assessment, ECDC identifies several response options, such as capacity building in health care and targeting public health interventions in favor of health professionals and the most vulnerable people from the point of view of sight. doctor.
