Nuclear war and tensions United States-Iran: 2021 runs the risk of starting with the same climate of conflict with which 2020 began.
The Iranian regime, in fact, has issued new warnings first of all to the main enemy, the United States, which is preparing to see what it will do. Biden in front of Tehran.
But the alarm also went off on the delicate and dangerous subject of nuclear weapons: Iran wants to continue without more rules and inspections.
Iran wants to enrich uranium without rules. Is nuclear war back?
The geopolitical entanglements linked to nuclear power are once again shaking up a world already deeply affected by the pandemic.
L ‘Iran has formalized its strategic and domain plan, never really abandoned: will enrich uranium up to 20% – even for military purposes – reaching a level only reached before the 2015 agreement.
This activity will affect your Fordow site hidden inside a mountain.
The movement was presented directly to theInternational Atomic Energy Agency in a letter. This is the latest of several recent announcements to completely free itself from the nuclear limitations agreement, which Tehran began violating in 2019 in retaliation for the Washington withdrawal and the reimposition of US sanctions.

Now the Persian country has passed a national law allowing you to resume enrichment to get at least 120 kilos of enriched uranium and get rid of IAEA inspections.
That stance was also a response to the assassination of the country’s top nuclear scientist, which Tehran attributed to Israel. These bellicose steps by Iran could complicate the efforts of the US president-elect. Joe biden to go back to the nuclear deal, as desired.
Tehran vs. United States
In early 2021, hostile words towards the United States were also renewed.
The commander of the Corps Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards He said that his country is ready to face any aggression from the United States with decisive and hard blows, as the Iranians celebrate the first anniversary of theassassination of a high general Qassem Soleimani.
The comments come on the occasion of the first anniversary of the US assassination of the Iranian general in a drone strike in Iraq on January 3, 2020.
Iranian officers and military commanders have repeatedly vowed to seek revenge for the attack until US forces spread throughout the Middle East.
The president-elect Joe biden said he wants to save the nuclear deal and end the stalemate with Iran, but Triumph he continued to threaten Tehran. Earlier this week, Washington deployed two B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf in a show of force.
Twenty nuclear warTherefore, they blow in this tormented and uncertain 2021.