Now the greatest danger is contagion from operators “


After the recent and numerous cases of coronavirus that broke out in some nursing homes in the Faenza area, and also made known by the mayor of Faenza Massimo Isola, the Personal Services Company of Romagna in Faenza clarifies some points. “At present and since the beginning of the pandemic, in the structures that we manage throughout the territory, specifically the ‘Camerini’ of Castel Bolognese, the ‘Bennoli’ of Solarolo, the ‘Santa Caterina and Don Ciani’ in Fognano di Brisighella and a part of the ‘Fontanone’ of Faenza (the one that manages the ASP, while the cases were registered in the one that manages a cooperative) there have been no outbreaks – points out the company – For nine months we have faced a situation that it has profoundly disrupted the daily reality of residential facilities for the elderly, which house a total of 174 residential places. Some 200 operators participate in them, including employees, temporary workers and cooperative members according to agreement. To try to keep the virus out of these structures, we immediately put in place a very strict organizational strategy through the adaptation of protocols and security measures in triads of prevention and protection and through a significant transformation of activities and daily routines within the rsa ”.

If in the first phase of the emergency the greatest danger was represented by the risk of contagion of the guests in case of hospitalization or access to the emergency room due to the high circulation of the virus in these health environments, now things have changed – they continue – In this second phase, as of June, the risk of contagion to operators has become predominant. To provide the best possible security, we immediately bought large quantities of PPE (masks, gloves, gowns, glasses, visors, headphones, etc.), with a significant financial effort (more than 90 thousand euros of investment) .In addition, anticipating also to government decisions, the activities of the day centers have already been suspended since March. In addition, a contingent has been assigned to each nucleus / dedicated staff department, in order to stabilize and circumscribe possible contacts, in case of need for tracking. From March to June, he visits the guests of family and friends, reintroduced since July in dedicated outdoor protected areas, according to precise health and safety protocols. The visits were suspended again in early October due to the new progressive increase in infections. All the actions that have given positive results so far, but not enough actions to give the absolute certainty of not being hit, given how much the case can affect the infection ”.

“Today, however, in ten months, we have had to record only a few isolated cases of positive hosts, almost all returning to the hospital admission facility and remaining isolated because they all emerged in the 14-day preventive isolation period, mandatory upon return from the premises, among other things, preventive isolation has always been maintained for 14 days, despite national and regional guidelines allowing it to be reduced to 10 days. To protect guests and keep operators working at their best. High security conditions have made an enormous effort that has allowed us to resist, and this has already been and continues to be an encouraging sign for the guests of the facilities, for all the staff and for all the communities in which we operate. until the vaccine, we hope that it will arrive soon for the guests and operators of the RSA and be really effective, because a year of emer ncia Health care has been tiring, exhausting, stressful and our elders and their families increasingly need to recover, at least in part, that normal life within the structures that today is presented as a distant memory and a hope that is still quite distant ” .
