now the break is almost certain, that’s why


Renzi accelerates on the government crisis: the break is now almost certain according to Italia Viva.

Specifically, the words of Maria Elena Boschi Today, Tuesday, December 8, they were clear in delineating a very tense climate in the executive. The dispute, this time, is the much discussed control room designed by Conte to manage the projects of the Recovery plan, which will be financed by billions from the EU.

Renzian’s party simply does not like the Prime Minister’s method and this time the battle is tough and it is not over. Yesterday’s CDM, in fact, decided nothing on the governance of the National resilience and recovery plandespite the urgency.

Boschi’s latest statements, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, highlighted the gravity of the moment: the crisis is almost certain. What will happen? Renzi had already warned Conte sul Mes. Now the problems are also in Recovery Fund.

Conte doesn’t have full powers: Renzi’s challenge

That Renzi does not have a peaceful relationship with the Prime Minister now is safe. Now, however, the relationship could really end with long-lasting effects, almost to the point of sanctioning a divorce.

At risk, therefore, more than ever the celebration of the Government, on the eve of a crucial week with Recovery plan me Me in the calendar.

What’s going on? Italia Viva vetoed Conte’s desired task force to manage the Recovery Fund’s billions and organize the many reform projects. The structure of technicians and experts is not good and, above all, the Prime Minister’s decision does not pass without consulting the political forces, according to the Renzianos.

Maria Elena Boschi summed up the dissent of Italia Viva well:

“We are not challenging the prime minister, we are only defending the institutions of this country: we did not want to give Salvini full powers, we do not intend to give them to Conte

And then the forecast on the crisis was also explicit:

“We are not raising the tone, we are: we are facing a very serious event. It is not possible for the prime minister to replace the government with a task force, the secret services with a foundation, the parliamentary sessions with Facebook direct. If the prime minister wants to break up, we’re sorry, but go ahead. The reference to responsibility cannot be unidirectional “.

In short: the breakup is unwanted, but unfortunately almost certainly. From the tone that emerged from the interview with Boschi in Corriere, it is evident all the disappointment of Renzi and his faithful for Conte’s work.

After hypothesizing the resignation of the prime minister if the Month does not pass in parliament, now the secretary of Italia Viva is questioning, again, Conte in all its decisions (from no to reorganization, through the delay in the management of the Recovery Fund to the hesitation on the 36 billion of the Month for healthcare).

A compromise will probably be reached by following this “great voice” of ministers IV. A definitive split in the government would be a serious problem. The European Union calls and the Senate falters without the votes of the entire majority.
