Now Renzi also brings up the Pd: “I agree with us in all the requests to Conte.” I dem: “You speak alive for Italy and leave us alone”


Face to face with Giuseppe Conte made to last just under half an hour by the Renzians, having flown it first and then postponed, it gave Matteo renzi and it’s a new excuse to stretch the wear of the government. The majority verification proposed by the prime minister, which, according to what was declared by the Pd and M5s last Tuesday, could have been resolved for days with a plan to reach the end of the legislature, is thus destined to remain pending. at least until the beginning of January. “Exactly how Renzi wanted,” they say in the parts of Alive italy. Thus, even this morning, the threat from the former prime minister came on time. But this time he also mentioned the Democratic party, trying to implicate him in an attack on the Prime Minister from which the Democrats immediately disassociated themselves. Nicola Zingaretti Vice President Pd has sent forward Michele Bordo to avoid the diplomatic incident“Renzi speaks alive for Italy and leave us alone”) and at the same time reiterated that the verification phase “must be closed”. Too bad Renzi’s intentions go in exactly the opposite direction: now the game of Budget law and Italia viva does not intend (he says) to fail in the voting, but the confrontation is only postponed until January. Meanwhile, there will be no lack of confrontational opportunities.

Today Renzi, the morning after the face to face with the premier, spoke with Rai Radio 1: “We told him ‘President, if we want to move forward we are there with loyalty, if you think that what we are proposing is not good, with respect’ . for institutions, we get up and quit‘”. The blackmail is always the same: the one that was made explicit in the Senate on Wednesday, December 9, and that he never tires of repeating daily. Today, however, Renzi added: “The Democratic Party seems to agree on everything, the M5 must decide what to do”. But, what are the hypotheses that the leader of Italy thinks alive? In the chaos of the background, the strategies and the chatter of the building, was the interview with Giancarlo Giorgetti to the Corriere della Sera two days ago. The former Undersecretary of Carroccio said that “Conte will fall, but the center right is not ready to rule “. And plastic proof are the continuous different positions occupied by the three leaders (Berlusconi, Salvini and Meloni). We are facing reconstructions that at the moment, according to sources close to QuirinalIt would not have the support of the President of the Republic who, on the other hand, would have repeatedly feared the prompt dissolution of the Chambers. A path, that of returning to the polls, which he opposes not only because of the serious pandemic that the country is going through, but also because the white semester will begin in the summer before the election of the new tenant of Colle. And that party is very important for the parties (first of all for those who feel too excluded from the political dynamics of recent times, see League me Alive italy).

The threat to Conte, who also discharged responsibility in the Democratic Party, was not well taken by the Nazarene parties. “I would advise Matteo Renzi to speak up for Italia Viva, leaving aside the Democratic Party groups“He said Michele Bordo, vice president of the Pd group in the Chamber. “The parliamentarians of the Democratic Party, when they have something to say about the government or about the political options to be taken, as they have always done, intervene directly, without the need for intermediaries.” And the reference is not only to the interview with Rai Radio 1, but also to Renzi’s interview with Corriere della Sera when he said: “If I still know the Pd parliamentary groups, I tell them that they share the letter that we sent to Conte in 99%. Now it is up to the leadership of the Nazarene to decide whether to take it seriously or not. ” A provocation that dem want to dissociate from in every way. “As far as we are concerned, we are committed to solving the country’s problems and making the best use of the opportunity offered by the new Europe, to which we have made an important contribution, through the resources of the Recovery Fund. . That is why we believe that, especially in this dramatic moment, a crisis is not needed but a legislative pact which allows to relaunch the government initiative. Ultimatum, continual duels, and spectacularisation are not the methods that Democrats appreciate. As we have done in recent months, also obtaining important results for the PD at the electoral level and in government action, we will continue working to strengthen and give a political perspective to this majority with respect to which, for us, there are no alternatives. “.

Meanwhile, the 5 stars remain in the background. The one who tried to downplay the morning crash was the ruling political leader Vito Crimi: “I can say that I have not seen ultimatums and that, in general, compared to those who seemed to have to come to the table I have seen that there are also requests for common sense and shared,” he told Rainews 24. “Soon we will find the square” . . A tranquility that, however, is not widely shared at this time by the executive. Shortly before, the Minister for Relations with Parliament had spoken Federico d’Incà: “Everyone is free to do what they want, for the M5 there are two priorities: vaccination for all and the recovery plan, to better manage the 209 billion. Month and services in your requests? We say ‘we want to work on the recovery plan.’ In short, certainly no approach to the proposals
