Senator Renzi, is the crisis closer?
“After this game, the ball is completely in the hands of Prime Minister Conte. We are asking for a content change and we have explained it clearly, pointing to a long series of proposals. We are not the ones who chase the polls or the headlines, we do politics. And it is important for us that Italy seizes the greatest opportunity in recent years: G20 presidency, Cop26 co-presidency, European money. If the majority who support Conte understand that this is the time for a political resurgence, that’s fine. If you plan to continue as has been done in recent months, Italia Viva greets everyone and takes the hassle out of them. Because for us Italy must promote change, not safeguard the status quo. And today everyone knows that a qualitative leap is needed: unlike the others, we say it publicly and without mincing words. We are proud to be brave and free.
If there is a crisis, even Colle says there is only the vote.
«El Colle is the Quirinal, not the Quirinalists. And in the Quirinale sits a president who knows the Constitution better than anyone. You know what to do in a crisis and what your job is in such a situation. I suggest not pulling him by the jacket. Our task, however, is to try to avoid the crisis.
You postpone the meeting, Conte postpones it from morning to night, is it a war of nerves?
«Without a war of nerves, we do not dramatize small delays due to institutional commitments. And then what we had to say to Conte we said in Parliament, openly, in the Senate. Yesterday we repeated it at Palazzo Chigi. Now it is up to the prime minister to give answers, answers to Italy before Italia Viva ».
Did he also send a letter to the prime minister to prevent news of a reorganization request from leaking?
“This reorganization is unbearable. I asked Palazzo Chigi to use institutional communication in a sober way. If we say that we want to discuss content, it is unacceptable for an institutional fabric to reiterate to everyone that the problem with Italia Viva is that we want more seats. Not only do we not ask them: we are willing to leave them. With the vulgar issue of armchairs removed, can we talk politics? We have made a list of open problems and possible solutions, let’s talk about that.
Long letter and long list. What are the binding requests?
“It is a long letter because we mean it. We do not look for excuses. Populists worry about consensus rates, but for us the real drama is the unemployment rate. I am not interested in the number of undersecretaries, I am interested in the number of vaccinated. And someone will also have to explain why we are the only country that has continued to keep schools closed for months but still has the sad record of deaths. Let’s talk about serious things and see if we can agree. If so, we rule. If not, the government goes home. ‘
In the Month he will not be able to win: Conte is against.
“If we are the country with the highest number of deaths, we must tell ourselves that we need more money for health care. It is fair to ask for the cooperation of citizens, who are responding in an exemplary manner. But it is just as important to ask institutions to do their part. Saying no to the Month costs Italy 300 million euros a year. But does this ideological entrenchment seem logical to you? If we had applied for the ESM in spring today, we would have much more resources. ‘
What do you propose instead of the working group?
«Before tackling an organizational discussion about the work group, mission unit, control room, let’s ask ourselves: what Italy do we want in twenty years? Where do we put the European money? What research centers do we fund? What vision do we propose? If there is a vision, then we can discuss how to strengthen project execution with appropriate improvements to the bureaucratic machine. But if there is no vision and the Recovery only serves to empty the drawers of the ministries with old projects, without a soul, then we can also avoid talking about them.
Do you expect Pd and 5 Stelle to support you or are you afraid of staying isolated and appearing irresponsible?
«I speak with my heart in my hand: now I don’t care how I look. Verification is serious business, it is not a gateway for television use. They say I’m irresponsible? I know it would be irresponsible to waste European money and earn a living instead of trying to change. If I still know the Pd’s parliamentary groups, I tell them that they share the letter that we sent to Conte at 99%. Now it is up to the Nazarene leadership to decide whether it is serious or not. As for the 5-star parliamentarians: they are so afraid to go home that it does not occur to them to dictate the letters. If they want to remain in government, they must understand that they do not have an absolute majority. If, on the contrary, they think they can do it alone, well, they will do it without us.
Isn’t Draghi’s speech attached to the letter a provocation?
“No. It is helpful. Because the things Draghi writes are correct and important. And because we all have to learn from someone like Draghi. Besides Draghi, however, there are documents from Fortis, Cingolani and other professionals. We are not provoking the Prime Minister, we’re just trying to help him. ‘
What is the accusation you make against Conte?
“I don’t accuse him of anything. I ask for clarity. We have written five pages of a letter: tell us if what we write can be shared or not. We are the only party that makes a clear, simple and transparent comparison. But at the same time we told him that if things do not change, we will not stay in government. We are free and brave, for us politics is passion, not personal accommodation ».
Will you support government action on the pandemic?
“We have been supporting measures for months with which we do not always agree. There are too many zigzags. And it opens and then closes and then announces that it reopens and then closes even more. The government changed lines three times in the last seven days during the Christmas holidays. We ask: out of respect for the citizens, whatever the decision, communicate it well and then we force ourselves to follow it. Citizens, at least, have the right to clarity. At least that. “
Isn’t it unusual for the prime minister and the foreign minister to go looking for fishermen from Libya while meeting with Haftar?
«It seems absurd to me to make a controversy today. Today is a day of celebration for these families, at least for today controversy should be avoided. In similar events, when I was prime minister, I followed different paths. But everyone has their own style and responds to their own style. Today without controversy, we all shout: Viva Italia ».
December 18, 2020 (change December 18, 2020 | 07:15)