“Now help the capital, immediately more money and powers”


Chambers, Siege of Conte:

A double pressure for him Capital, to finally get them powers and resources appropriate to their role: on the one hand towards the government of Giuseppe Conte (a real siege is underway), so that you can abandon your hesitation and show a concrete interest in the fate of the Eternal City; on the other hand towards Capitol conducted by Virginia Raggi, with which parliamentarians themselves too often struggle to establish a dialogue. The occasion, however, is not only symbolic: on February 3, the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Rome as the capital of Italy will be celebrated. And for a decade, a reform approved with great fanfare on September 20, 2010 – with the granting of honorary citizenship to then-President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano – languished in the drawers, but has remained essentially a dead letter until now.

The document

The waters are churning by the Parliamentary Observatory of Rome, a multi-party club that brings together some forty elected deputies and sanatoriums in these parts, coordinated by the radical Riccardo Magi (current president) and Stefano Fassina (Leu), Maurizio Gasparri (Fi), Roberto Morassut (Pd) and Fabio Rampelli (Fdi). The first step is a motion, already presented to the House and the Senate, that commits Palazzo Chigi to form a committee for the organization of the celebrations of Roma Capitale, to which “a part of the income from the sale of tickets from the main archaeological sites and monuments and museums. »Then to create” a program of public works and redevelopment of the urban fabric with low environmental impact “, also using the money” made available by the European Union “with the Recovery Fund.” We hope to be able to schedule the motion immediately after the vote next weekend – explains Fassina – We are sure that the deed will be approved by all the groups. “The objective, he underlines,” is to pressure the government to take concrete steps for 150 anniversary of Rome as capital, celebrating the event but above all by endowing the city with the appropriate resources and powers “.

The meeting

The second front of the parliamentary pressure points directly to the Capitoline Hill, which paradoxically until now has been another weak link in the chain for the strengthening of Rome Capital. At the beginning of October, the Observatory will organize a meeting at the Palazzo Senatorio with all the group leaders of the municipal council. Objective: to make a common front to finally make the reform of ten years ago effective. “Starting from the institutional structure, which provides for the direct election of the mayor and the council of the metropolitan city and the transformation of the municipalities into metropolitan municipalities”, recalls Fassina. Obviously, the most substantial game remains that of powers, foreseen by the reform but never transferred to Rome, which would in fact transform it into a semi-autonomous region within Lazio. These are important and sensitive competencies, ranging from transport to urban planning, from trade to environmental protection: managing them directly would mean, for example, managing funds for local public transport and territorial planning without intermediaries. And it looks more like a great European capital.
Last update: 11:49

