Ama’s cleaning of the streets and areas around the containers is far below the quality standards required by the Capitol. This is what the same investee company responsible for urban waste management affirms, in the report attached to the 2020 Economic and Financial Plan, Ama stops at almost 30 points less, the same to clean up the nerds. A little better but always indoors the usability and decoration of the baskets has also been established.
But let’s take a closer look at the data, with one premise: the service contract between Ama and Roma Capitale establishes respect for quality standards among its objectives. Therefore, the level of service is defined through specific result indicators, which should be understood as the percentage of surveys with a positive opinion. The monitoring is carried out by the Agency for the control and quality of local public services of Roma Capitale and consists of four quarterly survey campaigns. Now, according to the data collected in the Ama dossier contained on page 26 of the business plan, the gap between the standards set by the Capitol and the quality perceived by citizens is relevant.
Below are some numbers. If the quality objective to be achieved for street cleaning is 92%, the one reached in 2019 is only 65.8%, decidedly low although better than 62.8% in 2018. The same happens with the cleaning of the ‘ container area. Target: 88%, 65.7% in 2019, again against 64.2% in 2018. A little better, but still below standards, the usability of the baskets. If the goal is 94% satisfaction, in 2019 it stops at 86.8%. Under the objectives are also established all the elements referring to the functionality and decoration of the different types of geeks. The only ones that exceed the requests of the Service Contract are the functionality of the labor bin, 95% of positive judgments compared to the 92% requested, of the paper, 97.7% of satisfaction registered compared to the fixed 90%.
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Another fact to highlight: the increase in separate collection, decidedly insufficient compared to the initial promises of the administration. We are talking about a growth of just over one percentage point in one year. In fact, for 2018 there was a total production of urban waste equal to 1,730,281 tons, with a percentage of differentiated waste equal to 44%. In 2019, on the other hand, with a total waste production of 1,693,476 tons, the percentage of has increased to only 45.34%. Light years from the 70% promised by Virginia Raggi at the beginning of the council.