The new coronavirus does not seem willing to give us a break. And while Italy continues to fight the second wave of Covid-19, the former head of civil protection, Guido Bertolaso, gives another alarm, anticipating the possibility of a third wave, which could affect our country between February and March, exactly one year after the discovery of the first cases in Codogno.
“Yesterday we had a meeting in Perugia“he explained speaking with Radio 105 Bertolaso, now a consultant for the Umbria Region for the coronavirus emergency. At the center of the meeting also work “on what will be the third wave”, which could arrive around the months of February and March. “If anyone thinks that a Christmas We will all be free from Covid-19, wrong– warns Bertolaso- We will have to be prepared for a third wave in February and March.“.
The former head of Civil Protection also spoke on the issue of health care In Calabria: “We are an irregular country – he explained – we have spectacular excellences and then realities such as CalabriaBertolaso, however, points out that the first commissioner was “appointed by the government, not elected by the Calabrians. If you put a man of your own to manage medical care in Calabria and you already put him there two years ago then Covid breaks out, you know you have this man in Calabria as your commissioner. But do you want to call him, do you want to question him, do you want to hear him about the problems of the territory?“. The reference is to Saverio Cotticelli:”If it was a journalist who discovered that he did not know he was responsible, it means that no one in Rome ever had it. checked, I had never checked what I was doing in Calabria “, he says. And presses:”I think this is the fundamental health problem in our country. Whoever is above the health technicians must monitor, support and obviously think about other things“.
Finally, the Commissioner ofUmbria explains the situation of Covid-19 in the Region: “It is quite controlled – we say – we are reorganizing the health plan of that Region, there were many hospitals scattered in a not very extensive territory, some of them have closed rationalizing their economic and human resources. Two field hospitals arrive, one in Perugia and the other in Terni“. And about the places of intensive care specifies:”It is believed to have another 30, 35 resuscitation posts, so I think Umbria is capable of to resist to this Second wave“.