notable increase, never so many buffers (5,588). Two dead. Covid hospital reactivated


There are 180 new cases of covid-19 registered today in Puglia out of the 5,588 tests carried out. A considerable jump compared to yesterday’s data (136), however, a figure that must be weighed in light of the considerable number of swabs performed (less than half the previous day, 2,433): in twenty-four hours the percentage proportion of new positives / swabs drops from 5.59% to 3.22%.

Bari and Foggia continue to add the majority of new patients. The 180 new positive cases, in fact, are divided as follows: 92 in the province of Bari, 1 in the province of Brindisi, 18 in the province of BAT, 40 in the province of Foggia, 7 in the province of Lecce , 18 in the province of Taranto, 2 cases with unknown province of residence, 2 cases outside the region (here the complete bulletin). Two deaths were registered: 1 in the province of Bari and 1 in the province of Taranto (yesterday there were six).

Since the beginning of the emergency, 461,971 tests have been carried out; 5,235 patients recovered; 3,998 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 9,849, divided as follows: 3,995 in the province of Bari; 914 in the province of Bat; 804 in the province of Brindisi; 2,407 in the province of Foggia; 900 in the province of Lecce; 748 in the province of Taranto; 77 attributed to residents outside the region; 4 province of unknown residence.

“We have no evidence that Covid-19 infections are being generated within the schools of Apulia, these are infections contracted in the family or, in any case, outside the institutions. So, for the moment, schools do not seem to represent an element of concern to us “: says Professor Pierluigi Lopalco, head of the Apulian task force for the coronavirus emergency and health adviser in pectore.

As of today, the blocking of the ordinary admissions of obstetrics, pediatrics, medicine, cardiology, surgery, orthopedics and resuscitation of the Vittorio Emanuele II hospital in Bisceglie has been ordered, and the patients currently present will be discharged or transferred to another place to allow activation. of Covid beds. “We have activated rapid antigenic tests to speed up analysis and response times in detection tests, together with molecular tests and not instead of them”, adds Delle Donne, specifying that “the two Usca de Barletta and Andria and we are structuring their strengthening in Trani and Bisceglie. Our efforts are maximum but everyone’s collaboration is needed, maximum compliance with regulations and hygiene measures is needed “.

Last updated: 18:09

