South Tyrol, now a red zone, could soon even apply a harsh blockade. “We have no alternative, otherwise the entire health system collapses.”
Thomas Widmann, councilor for health, tells ANSA. “The collateral damage would be devastating if hospitals no longer had to provide chemotherapy and surgery,” he adds. The issue will be analyzed tomorrow by the provincial government. “We have exceeded the time limit, the alarms can no longer be ignored,” he says. “In March – continues Widmann – we closed everything with 42 cases of Covid in South Tyrol, now we register 750 new infections per day and there are still those who do not understand and complain about the restrictions”. With the strict lockdown, even primary and secondary school would switch to distance learning and economic activities would be reduced to a minimum. The commissioner expects a stiff but brief blockade with a test mat. “We started with 30 tampons a day, now we also make 4,000, this is very important.” According to Widmann, “the pressure on hospitals is already enormous. We have guaranteed public life for as long as possible, but now a clear decision must be made if we want to avoid field hospitals.”