
There is always a problem that gets out of control when it comes to stabilizing temporary workers. The one connected to the stand.
Given that teachers, unions and political forces unanimously request to block the competences in the pandemic, it is necessary that the request also be extended to the support of TFA that presents the same problems, not one less: gatherings, lack of supplements for those in quarantine, movements of teachers who will again empty their chairs and expose themselves to contagion.
When it comes to stabilization, we must also do it with temporary workers in support. We remind you that those who have at least 36 months of service if they are specialized and the others, without specialization, must have a guaranteed training because they cannot be condemned to precariousness by occupying vacant and available positions each year.

We try to be careful when making certain requests. Complaints must take into account all precarious teachers. Politics and unions continue to throw pieces in the street.
We have witnessed the condemnation of support teachers, who are now also denied the possibility of participating in a contest despite the work done correctly in public schools at all levels.
We remind you, to be clear, that even some proposed amendments regarding recruitment for qualifications and service, would not include precarious teachers in support if they were not in possession of the specialization, but would instead put teachers in support without service , with only recognized qualification score, as shown in the first current bracket.
Among these are also aspiring teachers with diplomas or recent graduates who have been able to obtain a foreign qualification, have been included in 1 group, have no service score and will be in office tomorrow.
Let us clarify with the political and union forces that we cannot allow this to happen in these contradictory ways. Do we stabilize temporary workers because we start from the 36 month requirement or do we stabilize those who have the title but do not have the service?
Here is a teaching class that has been working on inclusion for more than 3-5-10 years and once again witnesses the scandals of the “tfa business”, nobody talks about this !! That coherent proposals be made for all.
The aim is to train those who have been working on inclusion for years to improve the work done so far.
We cannot condemn precarious teachers in support of being considered second class teachers, it is wrong and disrespectful to students who have been continuously following them for years.
Let’s value fieldwork once and for all and stabilize school teachers.
PAS-TFA support group