The framework will be defined in the weekly control room report
The framework will be defined as part of the weekly control room report
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There is not only Lombardy which, as Governor Attilio Fontana anticipated, will go from the orange zone to the yellow zone on Sunday, December 13. A similar scenario could also await Piedmont, Basilicata and Calabria. Campania and Tuscany could also be included in the group of “degraded” regions: in this case, the transition to the yellow zone would be suggested by a provision of the Ristori decree, which is being examined by the Senate, which in fact provides for the possibility of the control room (DM April 30, 2020) to change a region from one color to another without waiting for the 14 canonical days.
The image will be outlined on the occasion of the publication of the next weekly report of the regions by the control room, scheduled for today Friday, December 11.
The 14 day requirement
In accordance with current regulations, the application of the measures related to a lower scenario (in this case from the orange to the yellow zone) is triggered after the control room has verified the stay of fourteen days at a risk level or scenario lower than that. which led to the restrictive measures (“orange zone”). The usual weekly monitoring planned in the next few hours should confirm the existence of conditions for the transition of these four regions from the orange to the yellow zone.
Once the report has been published and the new structure confirmed, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will have to sign the ordinances, so that the new regulations come into force on Sunday, December 13.
Who should stay in the orange zone?
Campania, Tuscany, Valle D’Aosta and the autonomous province of Bolzano could remain in the orange group. These have gone from the red zone to the orange more recently, following an order from Minister Speranza signed on December 4 and in force since the 6th. The 14 days have not yet elapsed. “They will expire” on Sunday, December 20. But for Campania and Tuscany, as we said, it is currently not excluded that the transition to yellow occurs in a shorter time.