In any case, on Sunday the ministers involved in the new measures, which will also include a remodeling of smart work, will work on fine-tuning the measures. Central, in this sense, is the meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee (Cts) with the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza.
Leave soccer and private parties at home The meeting will discuss the new measures to be implemented. Apart from the total blockade, a priori measures are not excluded, given the worsening of the situation. From the curfew on the premises to the prohibition of the sale of alcohol after a certain time, to the prohibited parking outside them Pub me pub; from expanding work at home to reducing the percentage of passengers in public transport, to stop moving between regions, everything is possible in theory.
For all private parties, even at home, and suspension from amateur contact sports, such as soccer. Given that the data show that the contagion occurs mainly among family and friends, it is convenient to stop private parties, even at home, and a maximum of thirty people at the tables of the premises and in the ceremonial rooms.
Therefore, the restrictions are likely to be triggered first for public events and parties, including weddings and christenings, up to funerals. In Sardinia, the Region has decided to open sports stadiums for up to 700 people (similar measures have already been adopted in other places), but in the new Decree the unbeatable threshold of 200 spectators could return.
The situation seems to get out of hand, with a non-exponential growth of infections, but constant and for now unstoppable. We think, with concern, of the saturation of health establishments due to the influx of patients to intensive and ordinary care rooms.
According to the strategic study for the autumn-winter phase, with the Rt contagion index higher than 1.2 -a level already reached in Campania-, in 2-3 months the hospitals would have an overload. Taking into account that we have not yet entered the seasonal flu phase, whose peak is expected between February and March, experts hope that the measures will be effective and valid for 6 months. Also for this purpose, the use of rapid tests together with diagnostic swabs will be evaluated, to try to dilute the number of hours in cars that are increasingly formed when driving in large cities.