“Nobody knows how to prepare the doses”: doctors denounce the delay of the Regions in the anti-Covid vaccine


The first doses will be administered in four days, the December 27, a 9,750 between doctors, nurses, social and health workers. But in view of the start of the massive vaccination campaign against Covid-19, which will begin in January and will have as its first objective the immunization of 1.8 million of the people, a significant part of the country appears to be far from rendezvous. As reported by The impressionIn several Regions, the personnel responsible for administering the vaccine and preparing the syringes have not yet been identified. It is not a minor detail, if we take into account that, especially in the case of the Pfizer vaccine, the steps to follow are many and delicate.

“We don’t know how to prepare the doses”

In several cases, judging by the words of the regional doctors responsible for the Anaao union, the necessary training has not yet been carried out. “We don’t know anything, neither who has to prepare the doses, nor who has to administer them and the training is in the information that has circulated in our chats,” says Guido Coen from Lazio. “There is no indication on who should prepare the vials and not even on the facilities to be used,” confirms Pierino Di Silverio from Campania.

Delays from Sicily to Lombardy

“We are stopped by the recognition of who intends to get vaccinated, nothing more,” says Antonino Palermo, from Sicily. While in Lombardy, explains Giovanni Magnone, “the Region has explained the plan to us in broad terms, but everything is still underway, with some sanitation companies that have begun to charge membership and others have not.” In Apulia, says Giosafatte Pallotta, “today we have been summoned for the first time in the region, if they have identified any procedure, the certain thing is that until now we have mostly kept in the dark. Since they never call us, I wouldn’t want him to get us involved in a blaming contest. “

Still missing the “super refrigerators”

Then there is the knot linked to the conservation of the vials, at -75 degrees. Above 294 management points, only 222 They are equipped with Ult (Ultra Low Temperature) cells capable of reaching the required temperature to preserve doses for a long time. According to the plan drawn up by the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, Domenico Arcuri, they will become 289 then January 7th. Currently, nine Regions and one Autonomous Province do not have the necessary Ult cells. In Abruzzo they are missing 3 of the 7 reported in the plan, in Calabria one compared to 6 necessary, in Lazio two of 20, in Liguria five of 15, in Lombardy 27 his 65, in the province of Bolzano seven out of eight, in Puglia one his 11, in Sardinia eight out of 12, in Sicily 14 his 36 and in Tuscany four in 12.

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