
Be careful to fight Giuseppe Conte, even indirectly. Yes, because just in case, Marco Travaglio, is very willing to shoot zero even against “friends”, just as he can, or could, be considered a “friend” (at least political) Alessandro Di Battista, the grilling cry in series shouts again from Puglia. Dibba already held a meeting that greatly agitated the M5, in which he rejected the idea of the divided vote to favor the victory of Michele Emiliano its Raffaele Fitto, a necessary victory for the government that, in the event of defeat (perhaps even in Tuscany) would have very little reason to stay in the chair. And this meeting cost Di Battista the classic “Labor deal”: an editorial full of harsh attacks, as an insult.

Giuseppe Conte’s chief ultrà director obviously has his opinion on Daily occurrence Sunday, September 20, the day, in fact, when the polling stations open. “Alessandro Di Battista, who does not make a single demonstration for Yes to the referendum, but harangues the pentastellata crowd of Bari against my advice to the voters of Tuscany and Apulia 5Stelle to cover their noses and vote separately makes sad“begins Travaglio (who, as he writes, had in fact always suggested by the columns of the Fact the separate vote.” And again, on Dibba: “Remember Comrade Antonio: leftovers interpreted by Antonello Fassari that in 1993 he woke up after twenty years in a coma and found nothing of his little ancient world, except the Pooh ”.

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But that is not all. “Elegantly at the height of political acumen, Di Battista compares holding his nose, that is, choosing the candidate who is closest to avoiding the victory of the worst, to a public bathroom. ME, with confidence equals misinformation, attributes the divided vote to the old Christian Democrats, who did not even appoint him in 50 years of life because in the proportional system there was nothing to dissociate. “And so on, in a very harsh editorial in which he reminds Dibba that” the Democratic Party is no longer that of Renzi and Napolitano “and many others blah-blah. As mentioned, be careful to undermine Giuseppe Conte: Travaglio is ready to hit you.