no more crashes. But it keeps schools closed-


There was everything, in speaks by De Luca the other day. THE toni From now on darker, I numbers health alarm phrases, hood decision maker who says: I do not want to be confronted, here with us, with military trucks that carry hundreds of coffins, and that is why he announces the closure of everything for Campania.
Every word, every piece of information led in the direction of emergency shutdown, even the lung x-ray of the poor patient not knowing that on television a man without medical skills explained his respiratory functions while intubated and unconscious in an intensive care unit.

There was a lot of information except one: how would De Luca have done to give Economical support to all those – merchants, artisans, restorers and many others – who, due to the blocking of all activities, would have ceased win? With a socio-economic aid plan to ask the government, he said. A plan I didn’t even have yet I ask. It will be for this, that 24 hours after that announcement like this solemn (Just close), ordinance that orders the closure in Campania has not been issued and that it will not be broadcast at all.

All hell was unleashed by that communication that the President of the Region decided to give without the slightest hint of doubt, and now, away from direct Facebook and the media attention that is now focused on him on Friday at 3 in the afternoon, to know that of the State-Regions conference (which took place yesterday) emerged the government’s indication not to take drastic restrictive measures at the national level, and under these conditions it becomes impossible to implement measures limited to a single region, outside, therefore, a national decision.

What changed in the government’s plans between Friday and yesterday compared to the lockdown hypothesis? Absolutely anything. Conte never hinted that there was intention To return to the total closure of the country, and therefore the indication that according to De Luca emerged during the work of the State-Regions conference, nothing more than a discounted confirmation of what was already known, and that the Governor of Campania himself knew very good before going on television to say that Campania would have closed.

Therefore, it is evident that De Luca had to make a reverse which (perhaps) had not taken into account. But more than the already known government determinations on restrictions, it is also clear that it was there who blocked it. lack of funds, with what had not counted. It is no coincidence that at the State-Regions conference his first proposal was precisely approval of a socioeconomic plan that takes a model the one adopted in recent months by the Campania Region itself.

But De Luca already opens another front. The next Dpcm has already announced that it does not share the distance learning fee, which for him must be one hundred percent, as he has already established in an ordinance now in force for a week that maintains the schools both primary and secondary (not kindergartens). But above all, the one who wanted the confinement, now accepts only bars and restaurants close at 6 in the afternoon and intends to maintain the current schedule of 11 at night, because, he explains, in the absence of a general restrictive measure, it makes no sense to adopt rules that bring entire categories to their knees.

October 25, 2020 (change October 25, 2020 | 08:16)

