These days the case of the total fine of 2,800 euros against 10 boys without masks in the Milan metro. This penalty will amount to 4,000 euros if it is not paid within 5 days.
The news, however, should come as no surprise: who in public transport does not wear a mask or wearing it with your nose or mouth uncovered constitutes an administrative offense and therefore runs the risk of financial penalties, which in some cases can be very high.
The latest Decree of the Prime Minister signed by Conte confirmed the obligation to wear a mask on public transport, including school buses, in view of the reopening of schools and the return to the office after the holidays. Violators are subject to the fine that can be reached in the most serious cases i 3,000 euros.
This is what the anti-covid legislation says about it and when it is possible to obtain the discount on the amount of the fine.

What is the fine for those who travel in vehicles without a mask?
The coronavirus is still in circulation and woe to you to lower your guard, especially in places that by their nature favor meetings and the possibility of contagion: in primis public transport such as subways, trams, buses and regular and interregional planes.
On board public transport there is an obligation to wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth, otherwise very severe fines can be imposed: from 400 euros to 3,000 euros. It is an administrative sanction without criminal consequences and, as with traffic fines, it can be obtained 30% off if you pay In 5 days.
The police determine the exact amount of the fine and assess the offender’s general behavior, willingness to cooperate, and the presence of other similar violations.
Those who refuse to wear the mask or put it on correctly will not only have to pay the fine but may be ordered by security officers or the driver to get out of the vehicle immediately.
Whoever refuses to get off opposes the driver or the on-board personnel – perhaps reacting with physical and verbal violence – also commits the crime of Indignation to a public official (Article 341 bis of the Penal Code) or worse Resistance to a public official (Article 337 of the Penal Code) and in the first case risks prison from 6 months to 3 years and in the second of 6 months to 5 years.
Why risk so much? Isn’t it better to wear a mask and protect yourself and other passengers?