
“ME school-related suspicious case contacts and educational services for children should not be placed in fiduciary home isolation: this applies to both members of the family cohabiting what ai classmates or with other close contacts. “That is what he decided Lombardy region, which through a communication from the Department of Social Welfare specified that the mothers and fathers of a child who has had a tampon and is waiting for the report should not remain isolated, as well as their contacts and friends.
The clarification comes after the schools reopened within the first few weeks. 30,257 swabs made to the children and young people of the Lombard schools from September 1 to 18: of these have been determined as a whole 439 positivity, equal to 1.45 percent. The anti-covid guidelines for the school sector have been sent to the ATS and, from there, to all institutions at all levels.
“In case of flu symptoms or suspicion of Covid symptoms found during school activity – Councilor Gallera explained – the student’s family is contacted and a self-certification form authorized by the institution is issued to be delivered to the health establishment where swab with direct access. The document authorizes only the student and not the whole family to carry out the swab without reservation “.
If, on the contrary, the family notices the symptoms, “they should contact the family doctor or pediatrician who, having verified the need to perform the swab, proceeds to inform and send the student to the nearest direct access point.” The same procedures also apply to teachers and non-teaching school personnel.
Whoever took the swab, pending the result, must remain isolated. Only if the student is positive on the swab isolation measures are taken for the whole class (if the interested party has attended school in the last 48 hours) and family and direct contacts for the quarantine period established by the anti-covid protocols, at the end of which a swab is performed on the contacts to check their negativity and two swabs in the positive case to verify that they have been negative.
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