Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wants to sign the Dpcm of the 2020 Christmas rules before December 2 and not on December 3. Anticipating the expiration of the previous ministerial decree by one day would serve in theory to avoid the legislative vacuum of publication in the Official Gazette, but today, above all, there is a shift in the exemptions for the elderly, grandparents, parents and children. Compared to what has been written in recent days, the government would be heading towards a total Christmas blockade with the confirmation of the curfew and the stop to travel even between yellow regions. While we continue to think about the possibility of allowing some (small) exceptions for stable affections, family and joint reunions. But only in some specific cases.
The Dpcm of the 2020 Christmas rules changes towards: no exceptions for grandparents, parents and children
The election that contradicts the indiscretions of the last days emerged last night after Conte’s meeting with the majority heads of delegation and foresees, as the Ansa news agency wrote yesterday, the total blockade of mobility between regions with the exclusion of the possibility that neighbors return home to limit the Christmas exodus, even if the same sources confirm that the discussion would still be open and the possibility of an exception would be on the table for those who live in a region other than that of residence or for some cases of family reunification. In addition, the stop to travel between yellow regions could be valid not from December 4 but from another date yet to be defined. The fixed points, adds the Agi, remain the same:
- shops are open until 9:00 pm to avoid crowds and therefore stagger entries;
- restaurants close after 6 pm; Closed, however, in the orange areas, at Christmas and San Esteban;
- Transfer between regions will only be possible for residents of the region you want to reach and another from which you are moving.
Another hypothesis being explored is to make cross-border transfers possible, but quarantine will be required upon return. A new summit should be held, also to talk about the Recovery Fund again, already on Saturday afternoon. At school, the orientation of returning teaching to the presence of all prevails from January. The Corriere della Sera today reports a significant dialogue on the matter, albeit sadly anonymous:
And the elderly mother? Lonely people? “If we open ourselves to exceptions, it’s over,” sighs a minister who imagines a Christmas “everyone at home.” And then: curfew from 22:00 to 6:00, mandatory quarantine for those returning from abroad and not skiing on the Italian slopes. The restaurants closed at 6 p.m. and stopped all day for Christmas and San Esteban. The stores open until 9pm, to dilute the attendance.
The hypothesis that seems to prevail today, therefore, is that the curfew will remain in force to prevent travel and, again according to the Corriere, the government’s “rigorists” intend to keep it at 10 pm also for all holidays, without exception. , neither for Christmas Eve nor for the last night of the year.
Orange zone: which will change from tomorrow in Lombardy, Piedmont and other regions
Christmas 2020: curfew, quarantine and family reunification only for exceptional cases
In any case, it is hard to believe that the government is deciding on such a blunt and unpopular position when, in recent days, for example, Minister Roberto Speranza first announced to the governors the continuation of the red zone for Lombardy and Piedmont and then last night it changed opinion “liberating” also Calabria and sending Liguria and Sicily to the yellow zone, perhaps for fear of an appeal before the regional administrative court that would have annulled the orders of the last weeks based on the numbers. In any case, neither the regions nor the technicians like the total blockage of movements, since at the same time the monitoring of the epidemic should trigger yellow throughout Italy or almost.
Regarding dinner and the party, however, it is confirmed that the government will use the formula of “highly recommended” for the rule of 6 or 8 people at the table. As for the masses, the government will ask to hold more functions during the holidays precisely to avoid meetings inside and outside the churches. An orientation that also explains what Minister Francesco Boccia told the Regions on Thursday about the need to contain all activities at 10 pm, including Christmas Mass (on this point, an interview with the CEI is being conducted). Instead, it can go to second homes.
Repubblica also confirms that in the pending Dpcm, which will come into effect on December 4 and will cover the holiday period, the curfew currently in force will continue to be in force without exceptions to discourage large household concentrations, dangerous for the spread of the virus, and will marry. with a “strong recommendation” to limit the number of guests in their residences. There are three hypotheses according to the newspaper:
- keep the perimeter in force (only cohabitants);
- establish a maximum number of guests (the previous arrangement of Palazzo Chigi referred to six);
- or look for a formula that allows reunions not only with close relatives, perhaps a return to that concept of “affections” (stable or not) that would not exclude the elderly who live alone.
The impression instead, he says today in a context that the government is still thinking about the possibility of adding a new derogation to encourage family reunification: another point about self-certification to visit elderly parents or the grandfather who was left alone. “There are still no clear indications, I still hope that the families will be allowed to reunite,” said the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, to Tagadà’s microphones, in La7. However, it is clear that this is outdated information compared to what was leaked in the night: the government fears that, for example, giving a child the opportunity to visit his parents taking his wife and children with him, multiplied by tens of thousands of families, it could create the same mid-year chaos. That is why we are considering the possibility of providing an exception only for those who already reside in another region.