They had already been verified in the Ravenna, Rimini and Cesenate areas. It could happen and it was only a matter of time. First cases of positive students for covid-19 of Forlì. The positivity arose after precise inspections and contact tracing activities carried out by the Public Hygiene of Forlì: one attends a primary school, the other is in a secondary school. “As a result of these investigations – the Municipality communicates in a note – the strict compliance with all the prevention measures prescribed in the first place emerged”Operational indications for the management of cases and outbreaks of Sars-CoV-2 in schools and children’s educational services“, From the Higher Institute of Health and the Emilia Romagna Region”. “For the two students who tested positive for Covid, both asymptomatic, only theisolation at home“, reassures Mayor Gian Luca Zattini.
No insulation. In class with mask
The City Council also reports that “the staff has carried out all the necessary controls on the two situations and has assessed, in both, that there are no situations attributable to close contacts in the school environment, neither between students nor between them and school personnel ( Ata and teaching staff) employed in the same class. Therefore, they are not provided with isolation, but the use of swabs for primarily cognitive and precautionary purposes. Pending the result, the two classes and the personnel involved will have to adopt all the spacing measures and the use of the mask even in a static position. Due to the above, Not only was the closure of the two groups of classes not ordered, but neither was the closure of the two different institutes ordered“.
Coronavirus, the newsletter for Wednesday, September 23
“We knew that such a situation could occur, but we prepare – reports Mayor Zattini -. The important thing to underline is that in both cases we are talking about extracurricular infections. This, after careful controls, made it possible not to close the two schools and not leave all the other students at home in isolation. “
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The mayor concludes: “Unfortunately, we cannot prevent our children from having contact with the outside world. What must be emphasized, with a note of pride, is that our school’s prevention system lagged behind, that public health has found strict compliance with the anti-Covid protocols in both institutes and that the reaction of health care has always been immediate and satisfactory “.