“No change until December 3”


Red areas, table with the Regions to review the 21 parameters.  But until December 3 they do not touch

The government rejects pressure from Regions on the hypothesis of revising i 21 parameters today at the base of surveillance anti-COVID-19 that defines the risk bands rossa, orange, yellow OR green. The parameters do not change until December 3, but from tomorrow until the end of the month there will be a technical table between the president of the Higher Institute of Health. Silvio Brusaferro, the technicians of the institute, those of the Ministry of Health and the Regions to evaluate the “further considerations and proposals of the Regions” in this regard. This is what the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, and the Regions had agreed to at today’s meeting. “There was a unitary distribution of the road,” Boccia was quoted as saying.

ALSO READ Red areas, Boccia: «Other regions with narrow risk. Christmas? Moon debate “

Also present at the videoconference were the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the president. Among the presidents were Toti, Acquaroli, Fedriga, Toma, Marsilio, Bardì and Spirlì.

Apulia, Basilicata, Sicily at red risk

The monitoring of the next few hours will therefore follow the scheme used until now and could determine the transition to the red zone of at least 4 other Regions: Puglia, Basilicata, Sicilia and Abruzzo, which in fact is already by decision of President Marsilio, with Emilia Romagna and Liguria. still in the balance. “I do not rule out that there may be other red regions,” confirms the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia. Therefore, for the next 15 days, the system remains the current one even if the government ‘granted two opportunities to the governors: a “political coordination” for the next Dpcm, which essentially means that we continue like this until the beginning of December and Then we decided together rules for Christmas – and, above all, the possibility of requesting refreshments for the categories affected by the measures, even if it is the presidents and not the government, according to the Minister of Health, who decide the restrictive measures.

“A fruitful meeting” commented, not by chance, the president of the Conference of Regions Giovanni toti. Roberto Speranza explained why it does not change: “the seriousness of the situation should not be underestimated, the pressure on the hospitals” continues to be “very high and it is not possible to exchange some very early and still insufficient signal in a narrow escape”. “Therefore, the parameter change will not be discussed until December 3,” Boccia added. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself, defending the chosen method, however, admitted the need to “do more” and “make the parameters even clearer and more transparent.”

Clarity also requested by the president of Anci Antonio De Caro in the assembly of municipalities. Hence the decision to set up a technical table that at the end of November will have to identify a solution that does not question the choice of parameters and at the same time simplifies the process. If the criteria are maintained, it does not mean that there cannot be a series of ‘adjustments at the territorial level before 3 December. First of all, for those regions that entered the red zone first: in Piedmont and Lombardy, for example, there are already orange zone values ​​that, if confirmed with the November 27 monitoring, could remove them from the toughest restrictions.

The Regions can also intervene autonomously to soften the measures in those provinces where the contagion is less widespread. One possibility, as the premier recalled, already provided for by the Dpcm: “there is a mechanism that allows, based on objective data and at the request of the President of the Region, to do so.”

The other central theme of the meeting between the Government and the Regions was the new Dpcm, which should give directions for the Christmas period. From the prime minister to the ministers to the scientists, everyone repeats that it will not be a Christmas like any other and that, although with some inevitable concessions, it will certainly not be a free all.

«We must prepare for a more sober Christmas: dances, celebrations, kisses and hugs are not possible – Conte repeated today – A week of unleashed sociability would mean paying a steep rise in the curve in January». «The classic dinner, with 20 people, this year we cannot afford it ”, confirms Agostino Miozzo, the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, who raises another alarm, however: the assault on stores and department stores to go shopping should be avoided in all the senses. Christmas. However, there will be some opening, as confirmed by the premier himself, to allow families to stay together and above all to avoid further burying all trade and tourism. The line to follow will be decided in the coming days, also trusting that the measures taken from October 24 will stop the spread of the virus.

One of the hypotheses on the table is that of a ‘Dpcm bridge’ for the Christmas period that suspends the automatism of the gangs, loosens the national curfew, allows the night-time opening of bars and restaurants and also movement between regions’ rossè and ‘. orange to reach close relatives, extend the opening hours of stores, provide a new protocol for religious masses and ceremonies, indicate the prohibitions for New Year’s Eve, even stop any meeting in the squares. »Talking about the Christmas season means having a surreal and lunar debate – says Boccia – we think of doctors and nurses when we bring dinner».

Last updated: 20:46

