“Nine answers on the Suning case. And Inter is about to arrive …”


Is Suning about to withdraw from his commitment to Inter? They’re not here. Maurizio Pistocchi reassures the Nerazzurri fans on the future of Inter after the latest rumors in the newspapers, which insist (obsessively) on Inter’s economic crisis (the other companies sail in gold instead according to the press).

Here is the thought of the Mediaset journalist:

Reflections on the case against Inter

1.The China closed 2020 with GDP growth, in 2021 it will enter double digits

2.Suning – 2nd private company in the country – has grown and will continue to grow

A new sponsor is about to join Inter, who will pay double that of Pirelli

4. The the project for the new stadium continues

5. It is physiological to manage refinancing in advance through the two main commercial banks (Goldman / Sachs and JPMorgan).

6. The best deals are made with club agreements with 360 degree minority members.

7. NO NEW minority strategic partners in sight

8. The Chinese government is not concerned about Suning / Inter, but about other situations (AtlMadrid)

9. All these elements contradict the theories published in recent days “
