NEXT WEEK, Monday WITHOUT RAIN, then there will be a NEW FAULT, but NOT for EVERYONE. FORECASTS »


Weather: NEXT WEEK, Monday WITHOUT RAIN, then a NEW FAULT will come, but NOT for EVERYONE. Forecasts

Next week: Monday without rain, but then a new weather faultNext week: Monday without rain, but then a new weather faultDuring next week Bad weather will temporarily leave Italy, but we will not be completely free of rainfall: Monday we will spend a day Without rain, but a new fault of time, capable of causing rains, although not for everyone.
So let’s take stock of the situation, especially to understand where rains are expected.

The latest updates available to us confirm how, between Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 a high pressure field will extend from the African continent, encompassing much of the Mediterranean basin. For this reason we expect one greater atmospheric stability, with a prevalence of only in our regions, but with a tendency to an increase in cloudiness already on Tuesday night. Also noteworthy is the possible return of mists in the northern plains, as well as frost at night and at dawn, with thermal values ​​close to zero.

Our attention then shifts to Wednesday 16th when an Atlantic front starts theyet another worsening, although less intense, starting from our north-central regions. Umbrella by hand in low Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy western, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and on the shores of Lazio.
During Thursday 17 there will still be some rain between Umbria, Lazio me Market, while in other places there will be extended periods of brightness, with thermal values ​​above the average of the species in the south and on the two main islands, with maximum peaks of around 15/17 ° C.
Friday 18th the influx of unstable currents will cause the formation of a cyclonic vortex that will deepen into the Mediterranean Sea, causing rainfall in Sardinia, Sicily, Liguria is short Piedmont. In the afternoon some rain could also come Campania me Apulia. It will be the prelude to a rather disturbed subsequent weekend in the Central-South regions, with the possibility of stormy rains, definitely out of season.
