Weather: NEXT HOURS, TURBULENT Atmosphere with Strong REVERSE and STORM. Here is WHERE and the trend until the NIGHT
Next few hours with showers and thunderstormsLandscape weather it is definitely changing in many regions of the country. Now there is no more robust tall Pressure to pamper our entire country with its good warm climate. the colder and more unstable Atlantic currents in fact they are conquering much of the Mediterranean basin and time can only do so worsen.
At next hours, one already active atmospheric instability will become more and more evident with heavy rains me temporary walking through the regions of north He was born in Center. At risk rain me temporary will be practically all areas although between the afternoon and the night strong temporary and local storms could particularly penalize Liguria from the center-east, the north coasts of Tuscany, the Lombardy and the west of the Veneto.
Between the afternoon and the following night, the bad weather will start to fade a little though they will still insist showers me temporary in Liguria and scattered rains on the rest of north and along the Tyrrhenian belt of Center.
It will appear to be in another country instead of South dove summer He still doesn’t seem willing to make room for bad weather. If we exclude any disturbance in Campania me Sicily, the weather outlook will remain decisive quiet.
We also note that, based on anticipated and ongoing phenomena, the Civil Protection Department issued for the day of Tuesday September 22, a yellow alert in Lazio, part of Tuscany, Umbria, Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.