1 minute, 33 seconds

SITUATION. A vast high pressure field of subtropical origin has taken hold of central and southern Europe and favors the prevalence of a stable climate also in Italy. The South will be an exception, still struggling with a low pressure residual circulation between Sicily and the Gulf of Libya, responsible of some storms in Sicily, even strong, with repercussions in some areas of the rest of the South. In fact, some phenomenon is expected, as well as on the island, also in Calabria and locally in the south-central Apennine mountain range during the day, dissolving at night. In the rest of Italy good weather and intense heat. Let’s go into details:
WEATHER THE NEXT HOURS. Will be one stable and mostly sunny day in the northern regions, although with some scattered clouds over the west of the Po valley and in the afternoon near the central-western alpine sectors, of a harmless nature and dissolving at dusk. Hour mostly sunny even in central regions, although with skies sometimes cloudy by some harmless veils and the formation of some clouds during the day in the Apennines. Sun prevalence also in the South, but in this case Some more riots are expected in Calabria, where in the afternoon some showers can form at night. More unstable conditions instead in Sicily, still affected by the low pressure circulation towards the Gulf of Libya, with some showers or storms on the Ionian side and in the afternoon in the interior areas in general, but also in this case the phenomena will end at night. Stationary temperatures, at very high values for the period and peaks of 32 ° C in Emilia Romagna, Puglia and Materano, 34 ° C in the inland areas of Tuscany, Lazio and Campania. For all the details go to the section Time in Italy. For the evolution of the rest of the week Click here.
For more details on the forecast, see the specific weather section in Italy.