news, contagion data and updates today October 24, 2020


Of the more than 22,000 swabs performed in the last 24 hours in Lazio, 1,389 positive cases, 11 deaths and 88 recovered were recorded, which in total exceeded the 10,000 threshold. The ratio of swabs to positives is 6%.

“In these hours there is a huge effort by the entire system to quickly activate all the beds provided for by the new ordinance. This is the priority for the next few days, ”explains Lazio Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato. As for Rome (here the map of infections of all districts), yesterday there were 605 new cases.

October 22-2

Ten thousand cured

According to the latest updated data, there are 18,531 positive cases of coronavirus in the Lazio region. Of which 17,107 are in home isolation, 1,293 are hospitalized not in intensive care, 131 are hospitalized in intensive care. 1,070 patients died and 10,020 people recovered. In total, 29,621 cases were examined.

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Made with Flourish

Since the start of the pandemic, 3,370 units of health personnel have entered service

Since the start of the pandemic, 3,370 members of the healthcare staff have entered Lazio: 855 doctors, 1,558 nurses and 957 other healthcare professions. “Starting Monday, a call will be published for the extraordinary hiring of retired medical personnel, especially in the discipline of anesthesia and resuscitation. The San Giovanni Hospital will carry out the online hiring procedure. This hiring notice is essential given the chronic shortage, to national level, figures far below the necessary needs ”, communicates the COVID-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region.

New drive-in cinema in Fiumicino

ASL Roma 3 announces that from tomorrow the third business unit will be active, located in the long-stay area of ​​Fiumicino, open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday to Sunday and, after the hiring of nursing staff, transformed into a unit that works 24 hours a day. Two stations dedicated exclusively to molecular swabs will be active where it will be possible to access without reservation, but always with a dematerialized prescription and health card. A station will be dedicated as a ‘fast lane’ reserved for molecular confirmations of rapid tests always carried out in the Long Stay Drive, to Grassi prehospitals, to fragile categories (pregnancies, children under 3 years of age and disabled) ”. This was announced by the COVID-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region.

Free rapid tests from 300 family doctors

Free rapid antigen testing possible starting next week at the offices of some 300 family doctors. This is the decision of the Lazio Region that has ordered a tender in which more than 300 general practitioners and some 40 Primary Care Units (PCU) have registered. It will be a free service for citizens and the kits will be provided by the regional health system. Physicians who have signed up will be enrolled in the safety profile.

Stretta in Procura: access to offices by appointment only

The Public Ministry of Rome gives a new grip to the judicial offices in the context of initiatives against the contagion of Covid 19. A circular signed by the prosecutor Michele Prestipino establishes that access to the offices in Piazzale Clodio of the prosecutors is only allowed by appointment. “It is necessary to protect the health of the magistrates as much as possible – it is said in the circular – of the administrative personnel, the personnel of the judicial police as well as of all those (lawyers and citizens) who need to speak with the different divisions of the office.” .

437,475 flu shots in 3 weeks

In three weeks, 437,475 vaccinations against influenza were carried out and of these 423,894 were registered by general practitioners (GP) and 13,581 by pediatricians of choice (PLS). As for the rapid antigenic tests paid, to date 181 private laboratories have declared ‘start of activity in the regional territory for the execution of the tests. The data is updated every 24 hours and to date they have carried out about 30 thousand rapid antigen tests, ”said the Lazio Region COVID-19 Crisis Unit.

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Article updated at 11:25 am on October 24
