Twelve new infections in Rome like 24 hours before. But four less in the municipalities of the Roman province (13 on May 11 and nine today). These are the data published by the ASL today May 12. Only one positive in Covid19 in the ASL of the provincial capitals, in Latin, for a total of 22 new Coronavirus infections in the entire region, the lowest since the start of the blockade. The good news comes in particular from ASL Rome 1, where for the first time since the start of the emergency, zero new infections have been reported.
“Today we registered a figure of 22 positive cases in the last 24 hours, it is the lowest figure since closing and a trend of 0.3%. Controls on RSA and accredited private social welfare structures continue. To date, 693 facilities for the elderly have been inspected throughout the territory, “says Councilman Alessio D’Amato.
The lowest figure since the start of the block
“Serological tests for the State Police will begin tomorrow. This is the most important epidemiological investigation taking place at the national level with the aim of having a picture of the virus circulation. With President Nicola Zingaretti this morning we were in Albano where we As of this morning, the first 12-bed module of the public RSA is active. A very important structure that will have 50 beds when it is fully operational. A visit on a symbolic day because it is International Nurses Day, a professional category. that a lot is being spent to fight the pandemic. “
“The trend is downward in the provinces where, in general, there is only one case in Latin in the last 24 hours and zero deaths in the city of Rome. In the last 24 hours, 4 deaths, – concludes D’Amato – while the healed continue to grow, reaching 2,373 in total and the total swabs carried out have been more than 185,000 and in the last 24 processed at the Covid Center on Campus Biomedical 100 swabs for Val D’Aosta “.
ASL data for the city of Rome
ASL Rome 1: There are no new positive cases. The first time since the beginning of an emergency. 0 deaths. 35 people abandoned home surveillance. The tests for the serological survey of health personnel, general practitioners, free-choice pediatricians and pharmacists will start from tomorrow: they will last 4 weeks.
Asl Roma 2: 9 new positive cases. 2 people abandoned home surveillance. Serological research has begun among RSA operators. Tests for serological research of health personnel, general practitioners, free-choice pediatricians and pharmacists begin on Thursday.
ASL Rome 3: 3 new positive cases. 30 people abandoned home surveillance. The tests for the serological survey of health personnel, general practitioners, independent pediatricians and pharmacists will start from tomorrow.
ASL data for the province of Rome.
ASL Rome 4: 1 new positive case. 83 people came out of home surveillance. Tests for serological research of health personnel, general practitioners, free-choice pediatricians and pharmacists begin on Thursday.
Asl Roma 5: 3 new positive cases. A 79-year-old woman died. 15 people abandoned home surveillance. Tests for serological research of health personnel, general practitioners, free-choice pediatricians and pharmacists begin on Thursday.
Asl Roma 6: 5 new positive cases. A 78-year-old man died. 31 people abandoned home surveillance. The first form of Albano’s public RSA is open today. On Thursday, the seroprevalence tests begin in 10,000 units of health personnel, general practitioners, pediatricians and pharmacists of free choice: they will last 5 weeks.
The ASL data of the provincial capitals.
ASL Latina: 1 new positive case. 2 deaths: a 94-year-old woman and an 81-year-old woman. 134 people abandoned home surveillance. The seroprevalence test begins on Thursday in health personnel, general practitioners, pediatricians and pharmacists of free choice; Asl Frosinone: There are no new positive cases. 0 deaths. 14 people abandoned home surveillance. The seroprevalence test in health personnel begins on May 14: it will last 4 weeks; Asl Rieti: There are no new positive cases. 0 deaths. 3 people abandoned home surveillance. The seroprevalence test on health personnel began on Friday the 8th: the first 200 tests were performed. Today the seroprevalence tests begin in the RSA and the rest houses of the territory; ASL Viterbo: There are no new positive cases. 0 deaths. 9 people came out of home surveillance. The seroprevalence tests begin today on health personnel, general practitioners, pediatricians and pharmacists of free choice. The seroprevalence test on the personnel of the State Police began yesterday.
Spallanzani Newsletter May 12, 2020
Since the start of the pandemic, Spallanzani published the medical bulletin on Tuesday, May 12, where there is a decrease in the number of people receiving treatment at the epidemiological institute in Via Portunese. In fact, 122 (130 yesterday) hospitalized positive patients for Covid19 and 46 under investigation. Eleven patients need respiratory assistance. The patients discharged and transferred to their home or other territorial structures are found on the morning of May 12, 421.
Active service “Answers of San Camillo”
At the beginning of May 12, the telephone service “San Camillo responds”, which will be active from Monday to Friday from 8 to 17:15, number 0658703019. All visits are suspended until May 30, except for emergencies U and B .
A service to take charge during the post-emergency COVID phase of new patients with pathologies potentially “at risk”, in which, in parallel with the progressive reactivation of planned activities, it is necessary to create the conditions for patients to enter today “non-urgent” contact with specialists and, if necessary, visit. The company San Camillo – Forlanini has decided to start the “Answers of San Camillo” telephone service to create direct contact between specialists and all those patients for whom it may trigger a delay in diagnosis or aggravate a disease that requires prompt treatment.
An active telephone consulting service for patients, and their treating physicians, who do not fall into categories U and B but need to contact a specialist. A service that offers specialized telephone counters opens two hours a day according to the calendar made available by the operating units.
To facilitate access to the service, from May 12 it will be active from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm at 06 58703019. A general service to guide users on how to access the “Answers of San Camillo” where an operator Internal will provide telephone contacts, email addresses and hours of the different Operating Units whose references will also be available in the specific section of the company website www.scamilloforlanini.rm.it
The telephone recovery service has already been activated for Coronavirus collection services for reserved and suspended patients since March 9, and for patients who are already in charge and are followed up with “remote” management. “
Serological tests for police.
Meanwhile, serological tests continue, 300 thousand. In this context, on May 12, the Regional Seroprevalence Project, coordinated by Spallanzani, will be extended to the personnel of the State Police of the city, starting from the agents who operate on the street.
Serological tests are underway.
Serological testing began Monday, May 11, on all healthcare workers (the first 5,000 are on the way), including general practitioners, pediatricians, and pharmacists and law enforcement officers. The first 250 tests at the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza in Rome, where on the morning of May 10 two cases of seroprevalence were recorded (0.8%) and they were immediately subjected to a swab.
Buffers to the General Finance Command
The two financiers of the General Command were subjected to a negative result. “I just received news from the Spallanzani Institute that the two funders of the General Command with seroprevalence then tested negative for the swab that was carried out immediately – the words of Regional Councilor Alessio D’Amato -. This confirms that there is no viral activity , but that the two soldiers have come into contact with the virus. ”
Provincial Command Test
Investigations that will continue to all the Provincial Commands of the Guardia di Finanza, as well as to the Aviation Center of Pratica di Mare, to the Special Departments and to the Regional Command. Additionally, seroprevalence testing continues for all healthcare professionals. “It is the most important epidemiological investigation that takes place at a national level – the words of Councilor D´Amato -. This with a double objective: to have an image of the virus circulation and, in the case of a positive seroprevalence value, the immediate execution of the molecular test, after which in case of positivity we proceed to isolation. “
The army to disinfect the churches of Rome
Starting tomorrow, the Italian Army, at the specific request of the Vicariate of Rome, will begin sanitation activities in the external and internal areas of the Capitoline Churches through its specialized teams in the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear fields (CBRN ). equipped with large capacity remediation devices.
The activity will continue according to a specific schedule for blocks of municipalities and foresees the restoration of more than 337 parish churches that insist on the territory of the Diocese of Rome and will begin in the Don Bosco Basilica in the morning, while in the Later the Parish of the Divine will be disinfected. Love.
Memorandum of understanding between ADM and Confesercenti
Regarding the containment of the spread of the virus, the Director General of the Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) Marcello Minenna and the President of Confesercenti Patrizia De Luise signed a memorandum of understanding to simplify, rationalize and make it more efficient, through of a slimmer Control System, the mask distribution chain, PPE material and mobile products that will be used to contrast the spread of Covid19 and to guarantee a widespread distribution of these devices, thus promoting maximum safety in this phase of loosening obligations of social distancing and resumption of economic activities with maximum security.
ADM, in particular, through its own internal directives, will ensure that orders placed under this protocol are cleared through customs with the fastest procedures available and free of VAT and tariffs, providing the necessary administrative assistance for mask orders. to be freely distributed to your employees.
The Governor of Lazio to the RSA of Albano
Meanwhile, this morning, the president of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti, accompanied by the councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato, visited the new RSA in Albano for patients with COVID on the occasion of the activation of the first 12-bed module . To welcome the director general of ASL Roma 6, Narciso Mostarda, in the presence of the Mayor of Albano, Nicola Marini.
“Today we activated an important structure for the area and I am here to thank you for the extraordinary work you are doing – said Zingaretti speaking with the staff – if we managed to contain the epidemic in our region it was because we quickly activated a system that has been able to reorganize and for the extraordinary work of its operators who are on the front lines every day. Now we must keep our attention high because, waiting for a vaccine, we must live with this virus for a long time and adopt behaviors that limit its spread. ”
LazioDrCovid application
The new LazioDrCovid Region application, created in collaboration with general practitioners and free-choice pediatricians, registered more than 93,000 users who downloaded the app and 2,600 family doctors and 340 connected free-choice pediatricians. Finally, regarding the PPE: personal protective equipment, today are distributed in health centers: 30,700 surgical masks, 16,100 FFP2 masks, 1,400 FFP3 masks, 3,150 water repellent suits, 1,900 waterproof gowns, 32,700 gloves.
Temperature measurement in public offices.
Commenting on the data, Lazio Governor Nicola Zingaretti: “The data on the contagion comforts us. They are the result of the containment options of these weeks and the effort of all citizens to comply with the rules. We must keep our guard up. and in the next few days we will see what effect the openings of May 4 had “” In these hours we are also working to open many companies since May 18, putting security first. We are comparing all categories to share the appropriate measures for new phase, to guarantee maximum safety in the consumption of commercial and artisan products and in the resumption of sports activities. Restarting safely is the goal for which we must all be committed ”
“For this reason, I have also written to the Ministers of the Republic inviting them to adopt temperature measures in all public offices, mobility management initiatives and monitoring of the health of employees through serological tests. The integrated measures with which they already exist can contribute to reducing the risk of contagion, particularly in Roman territory. I also call on mayors, Zingaretti concludes, to adopt the regulations and resolutions as soon as possible to encourage and simplify as much as possible the expansion of the occupation of public lands outside the Exercises, such as bars and restaurants. “
The other news
Phase 2 of parks and green areas.
Coronavirus: closed spinacete clinic
Phase 2 of activities for the disabled
Coronavirus: funds for tourism
Vademecum week.
Serological tests: gypsies at the Guardia di Finanza barracks
Volunteering travels on a route
The restart of the toilets
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Article updated at 15:55 on May 12, 2020