There are 1,691 new cases of coronavirus detected in Lazio. A number more than yesterday when the total stopped 172 units lower. Deaths are also increasing, seven more than yesterday and even those recovered, 1077. The ratio between positives and swabs is increasing, today by 10%. Cases on the rise also in Rome, a city where it is once again above 700: 758 cases registered today. Stable province with 452 cases, while in the rest of the provinces the threshold of 500 new cases is close to: 481 new.
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Today’s data
In ASL Roma 1, there are 252 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. Seven cases are hospitalizations. There are seven deaths of 64, 70, 72, 80, 81, 82 and 86 years with pathologies.
In ASL Roma 2, there are 371 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with a known case. The GP reported one hundred and seventy-eight cases. There are three deaths of 76, 91 and 92 years with pathologies.
In ASL Roma 3 there are 135 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. Seven cases are hospitalizations. There is a 90-year-old death with pathologies.
In ASL Roma 4 there are 51 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of a known case. There are three deaths of 85, 89 and 93 years with pathologies.
In ASL Roma 5 there are 120 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are two deaths of 82 and 85 years due to pathologies.
In ASL Roma 6 there are 281 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of a case already known. There are four deaths of 71, 78, 87 and 93 years with pathologies.
In the provinces there are 481 cases and eleven deaths in the last 24 hours. In Latin ASL there are 217 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are three deaths of 80, 88 and 91 years with pathologies. In the ASL of Frosinone there are 161 new cases and they are isolated cases at home, contacts of an already known case or with family ties. There are three deaths of 71, 80 and 81 years due to pathologies. In the ASL of Viterbo there are 41 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are four deaths of 72, 73, 73 and 81 years with pathologies. In the Rieti ASL there are 62 cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There is a 65-year-old death with pathologies ”, commented the Regional Minister of Health of Lazio, Alessio D’Amato.
Meanwhile, Lazio TAR yesterday rejected the laboratories’ appeal against the controlled price of antigenic buffers proposed by the Lazio Region. The TAR considered that the requests for the elimination of the controlled price agreed with the main trade associations do not deserve acceptance. “The suspension by Lazio Tar”, commented commissioner Alessio D’Amato, “is good news. This is the sign that what has been decided so far is well done. Our work is always agreed with the parties and oriented to the good of the townspeople who are going through a very difficult time due to the pandemic. Another step is taken, let’s continue like this ”.