Newly recruited teachers, integrated teaching and coding training. How to do peer to peer and mentoring. Download official note


Newly recruited teachers are being trained. The Ministry has published the note that contains the indications on the way forward. Here is the text to download.

“In the new school year, the right to education – we read in the note – will be ensured according to what the security measures provide for Sars-Cov-2. This means that newly hired teachers must be able, immediately, to have full knowledge of the planned measures, as well as the tools and methodologies for Integrated Digital Education (IDD), in order to guarantee didactic continuity and the right to study in any condition. “

The commitment hours are confirmed at 50, additional to the service “to allow, from year to year, to eventually cover the needs of the educational system with additional initiatives.”

In addition, schools must verify the specific competencies of newly hired teachers, “activating training initiatives if necessary to align them with the competencies required for the implementation of the DDI Plan formulated by individual educational institutions.”
