Newborn found dead: arrest husband and wife


Two people, husband and wife, were arrested by thenewborn murder whose body was found yesterday afternoon in a flowerbed in the Salerno area, in Roccapiemonte.

Last night it was the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di Mercato San Severino and the Operational Department of the Salerno Provincial Command who arrested theaccused of crime for murder of husband and wife of 47 and 42 years respectively.

The boy was found dead yesterday afternoon. The corpse, around 7 in the afternoon, was seen in a flowerbed in via Roma by a passerby who raised the alarm. The carabinieri from the local police station and colleagues from the Mercato San Severino company intervened with the Municipal Police. The researchers found a head injury on the baby’s body. The body, after the external examination carried out by the forensic, was transferred to the morgue of the Nocera Inferiore hospital where it will undergo an autopsy.

The newborn, at the time of discovery, had still the cord umbilical attachment. The main hypothesis is that it was born a few hours ago. The discovery took place in a residential park. The alarm was given by one of the condominiums, who, as he walked to the garage, noticed the baby’s body in a hedge. It remains to be seen whether the injury was caused by the fall or was earlier. “It is a great tragedy that has shocked our community,” said the mayor of Roccapiemonte, Carmine Pagano, who, as soon as he heard the news, went to the place.