“The unstable, disturbed and cold phase that is affecting several areas of Italy will continue in the coming days, with a new disturbance ready to arrive with the new year.”
To say it is the 3bmeteo.com meteorologist Edoardo Ferrara who explains: «Already on New Year’s Eve the first effects will be seen with new rains and showers. During the New Year, the rains will mainly affect the north and the Tyrrhenian side. Between Piedmont and western Lombardy, snow can fall back to the plains. Snow on the hills also in the northeast, rising to 400-800 meters.. On Saturday, January 2, bad weather will spread to most of Italy – continues the expert from 3bmeteo.com – with rains and showers, even with a stormy background, once again especially on the north and Tyrrhenian side. Lots of snow in the Alps from 800-1000 meters. All this accompanied by a new reinforcement of the wind that, especially on the Adriatic side, will raise temperatures. It will not end here, as new disturbances will sweep across the Mediterranean and Italy at least until Epiphany. Therefore, we expect new phases of bad weather, with the main focus always on the northern and Tyrrhenian regions. For now there is not a shadow of anticyclones»Conclude from 3bmeteo.com.