
Published on: 01/01/2021 11:26 AM
New Year’s barrels 2021, here is the number of injured in Italy. The Department of Public Safety communicates the results of the services provided for the prevention and detection of accidents derived from the use of pyrotechnic products, accompanied by summary tables and graphics. The data were collected, as usual, with the computerized procedure to support the analysis called RISe.C. A total of 79 injuries were registered, 13 of them by gunshots and one death.
INJURED – The data related to the accidents that occurred during the 2021 New Year celebrations highlight a fatal episode of a thirteen-year-old boy (whose identification data is currently not available) that took place in Asti within a nomadic camp around midnight (00 : 37 now death) by the explosion of a battery of firecrackers that hit him in the abdomen. The event caused public order problems in the hospital, where the minor was transferred after the accident, with the intervention of police officers from the local police station to assist the Carabinieri, who were attacked by the minor’s family.
The total number of injured is slightly lower than the previous year, as, compared to the 204 injured, including 38 hospitalized, in 2020, si registered a number of 79 injured and 23 hospitalized And, as for 2020, there is a death. Last year there were 9 injuries due touse of firearms, while this year there are 13 cases of which 1 with a prognosis of more than 40 days. The data, in relation to the severity of the reported injuries, show a prognosis less than or equal to 40 days, with reference to minor injuries, 67 cases compared to 193 the previous year; with reference to the most seriously injured, that is, those with a prognosis of more than 40 days, 12 people: compared to 11 last year.
With regard to injuries to minors in particular, there was a decrease in the overall figure: 8 minors were injured, while last year there were 43. It seems appropriate to highlight how the data relating to children under 12 who were injured fell from 23 in 2020 to 3 in the current year, while those relating to minors between 13 and 17 years old, went from 20 last year to 6 by 2021.
Once again, the most serious incidents must be attributed to the reckless use of often illegal pyrotechnic products. Of particular importance are the episodes that occurred:
– In Avellino, a 17-year-old young man was injured by the explosion of a firecracker that occurred on the balcony of the house, returning the wound to his right eye and left hand. Conditions remain dire with a guarded prognosis. The accident occurred with a category F2 firecracker and during the search carried out by the Carabinieri, two other category F4 firecrackers were found and seized in the house;
– in Caserta three wounded hospitalized in Caserta hospital and two in Aversa. The first accident in Caserta involved a violent explosion that occurred outside the house in the garden involving two adjoining buildings and seven vehicles parked on the street: injuries with prognosis to be defined. Still in the province of Caserta in Aversa, a man reported injuries to the face and eye and left hemithorax due to the outbreak of a firecracker with first and second degree burns and a forecast of fifteen days; Another man suffered lacerated injuries to his right hand with a seven-day prognosis;
– In Vittoria, in the province of Ragusa, a person was injured by the explosion of firecrackers that occurred inside the interior of the car in which he was traveling with another person while they tried to launch devices on the street – in the province of Chieti in Lanciano an Italian picked up from the ground an unexploded firecracker whose explosion traumatized the cornea of his right eye with a prognosis of 30 days;
– In Palermo, a man was injured while inside the convenience store by the launch of a paper bomb with a three-day forecast. Also in Palermo, a boy picked up a paper bomb from the street that is believed to be unexploded and suffered burns to his face and right hand from the explosion with a prognosis of thirty days.
– In Agrigento, a child of this type was injured while on public roads and has a guarded prognosis of amputation of the left hand and multiple injuries. In addition, a family of three who was on the balcony of their house with the intention of throwing firecrackers was injured. – in Naples for a total of 8 injured. A 1968 woman is hospitalized for the wound caused by a stray bullet while she was on the balcony of her house and reported a wound between the nasal septum and the cheekbone without compromising the eye but with a prognosis greater than thirty days.
– In Bagnoli, six subjects, all older adults, were injured by the explosion of firecrackers.
– in Milan, a man from San Donato Milanese was injured by the explosion of a rocket he was driving, causing serious injuries to the face and the suture of the eyeball of the left eye and a reserved prognosis. Another man was injured in Milan with a reserved prognosis due to the amputation of the fifth finger of the right hand and the fourth finger of the left hand. The Carabinieri are conducting investigations to understand the dynamics of the accident, for which it is not yet defined whether it was fireworks or, probably, the use of a hunting rifle stopped, not reported, by them inside the house. Also in Milan, three other people were injured, including two minors.
– in Turin, a man was injured in the house with the laceration of the palm of his left hand. He is currently in the operating room where doctors are trying to save at least two fingers. The forecast is forty days. The artifact claimed to have purchased it from a stall in the local Porta Palazzo market.
– In Rome, a man suffered a bulbar contusion with a fifteen-day prognosis and hand injuries from the explosion of a firecracker at his home; In addition, there are 8 other people with minor injuries caused by fireworks.
– in Bolzano an adult man was injured by the explosion of a firecracker inside the house, which caused the amputation of his fingers.
– in Catania there are 6 injured, one of which has a reserved prognosis – in Bari and in the province, a minor was injured in Altamura when he picked up an unexploded firecracker in the street, denouncing the amputation of the little finger of his left hand; Also in the province of Bari in Corato, on New Year’s Eve, a man was injured whose left hand was amputated due to the explosion of a firecracker thrown from a balcony. Finally, again in Bari, two men were injured by firecrackers on the balconies of the houses, injuring eyes, ears and legs with a prognosis of less than 20 days;
– in Verona a subject reported a wound on his left hand and left thigh with a prognosis of 20 days.
From the communications sent by the peripheral offices (in addition to the individual data entered in the RISe.C. detection system) and from the data that can be inferred from “open sources” regarding accidents with injuries caused by the blast of pyrotechnic products, it is observed that the typical diseases caused by the pyrotechnic products are confirmed traumas in the hands (frequent fractures and amputations of fingers or phalanges) and in the eyes; burns on the face, and on the lower part of the neck (which, unlike the trauma to the hands, essentially caused by blast effect devices, can also be caused by so-called illuminants, apparently “more harmless”).
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