NEW, since mid-December HIGH PRESSURE RETURN «3B Meteo


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CLIMATE TREND, MORE ANTI-CYCLONIC NEXT WEEK – The prolonged phase of bad weather these days seems to have an expiration date: December 15. In fact, in the coming week there will be a major baric reorganization in Europe, as in southern Europe and partly in central Europe as well, it is very likely that we will see the return of high subtropical pressure. This at the same time as the absorption of the great Atlantic gap in the Mediterranean with a setback in the British Isles.

Therefore, time will return to tranquilityi, with residual instability on Monday, December 14, especially in the south, but to continue a more stable, sunny and especially dry weather in practically the entire peninsula. Temperatures will inevitably rise, especially at altitude and in Centrosud, dwhere they will arrive above the average, while in the north we do not exclude the gradual return of the fog to the Po valley. This anticyclonic parenthesis should last at least 3-4 days, while a further deterioration is likely to occur during the weekend of December 19-20 due to a further disturbance in the Atlantic from the west. Of course, as there are still many days left, this is a trend line that will need confirmation. Follow all updates.

Does bad weather only hit Italy or other parts of Europe? Find out the expected weather in Europe and in the world.

To know in real time where it is raining or snowing, check our Radar section, with real-time images of rainfall both nationally and regionally.

The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.

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